Sunday, August 13, 2017

How to change your life RIGHT NOW! (Part 1)

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.~The Apostle Paul
Image from

I have good news for you.

Not new news.

But good news.

You can change your life right now by changing your focus, right now.

That's it.

That's the good news.

I'm sure you've heard something like it before.

And I'm sure you've experienced it before.  In a word:


You've distracted yourself before.  You've done something to get your mind off of something.

That skill, the skill you already have and already use is the life changing skill.

Imagine this.

You wake up.
You decided before you went to sleep what the first thought of your day would be.
So again, you wake up, and think that thought.  Say it's this thought:

"I determine my thoughts, emotions, and actions."

That's your first thought.  And you keep that thought in focus while you do your morning routine. You practice determining your focus, no matter what happens around you.  And you keep doing that. Imagine the impact this will make on your day.  Now imagine doing that every day.  According to the research of Prochaska, Norcross, and Diclemente, it takes 90 days to make a change permanent.  So imagine you wake up everyday, for 90 days, and focus your mind in the way we've been talking about.  You would have the power, one day at a time, one thought at a time, to not only change your life, but to define your life.

You can start now.
Decide your focus.

Click here for part 2.

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