Kenaniah the head Levite was in charge of the singing;
that was his responsibility because he was skillful at it.
1 Chronicles 15:22
Your God given responsibility is to use your God given abilities.
This is God's will for you.
This is your calling.
You don't need to wait for anything else to be revealed to you to know what God wants you to do.
This is comforting for us because we are not called to do or be anything beyond or other than what we are. In fact, we have a moral obligation to be what God made us to be and do what God made us to do, which means we also have a moral obligation to refuse to be what we are not.
I'm experiencing this vividly.
In seeking a job, my first inclination is to simply do whatever job I find, whether I'm skilled at it or not. After all, I have a family, a responsibility to provide for them. Does it really matter how I do it as long as it do it?
I'm learning that it does.
To take care of my family does not negate God's glory. In fact, I believe the only real way to take care of my family is to seek first God's glory, to seek first God's kingdom. Seeking this first, God will add the provision of my family's needs--through giving me a job! But not just any job. He will give me my God given vocation, the job by which I will glorify Him by doing what He made me alone to do.
The same is true for you.
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