Pilate said to Him, "So You are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." John 18:37 NASB
You can hear the voice of Jesus, if you want to.
Do you want to?
If you want to hear the voice of Jesus, meet two conditions, summed up in one sentence:
Seek the truth.
When you decide to seek the truth, meet two conditions:
1. Seek the truth impartially.
2. Seek the truth reverently.
If you do these two things, you will hear and know the voice of Jesus.
Do you want to know the truth, no matter what it is, no matter what the consequences? Do you want to know the truth even if it means you must change your beliefs and your entire life? Put it this way. I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He died for my sins, and that He rose from the dead. But if my beliefs were proven false beyond all doubt, I would change my beliefs. Again, if someone disproved beyond all doubt the incarnation and resurrection of Jesus, then I would change my beliefs and life. What about you? If you are an atheist, and you had a supernatural experience with Jesus that disproved your naturalistic, scientific, atheistic beliefs, would you change your beliefs and life? This is the only way to find and know the truth, and in doing so find the voice of Jesus. But you must supremely respect the voice you seek. You must revere what you are about to hear.
Pilate asked Jesus if He were a King. Jesus agreed that He was (and is) a king, The King. The Voice of the King should not be taken lightly or disrespectfully. What you seek is not for your entertainment, but is the voice that holds your atoms together. The voice of Jesus is The Reality that holds together every reality and personality. To take his voice lightly is to take your life lightly. The truth deserves our fullest attention and respect. If we don't give it these, we don't really want the truth. And we will get what we want: a life built on lies and deceptions. The choice is ours.
Seek the truth impartially and reverently.
In doing so you will hear the voice of Jesus.
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