Your answer to God's question is the meaning of your life,
your only source of power, happiness, and purpose.
What is your answer?
When you wake up from death, or when you see Jesus return in the sky, your answer will be eternally settled. It's the same as your answer right now. Nothing will change, unless you change, if you need to change...right now. I know what my answer is as I write to you.
Yes God, I am what you made me to be, your image and likeness and glory, your son through faith in Christ Jesus.
This is my answer now, and it will be my answer when I meet Jesus in the sky.
What is your answer?
Jesus is coming.
We have no other reason to exist than to fulfill the purpose of our Creator as His sons, daughters, and creatures. How can we ignore the one we live for and should be willing to die for?
Some of us go to "church" and never experience God.
Some of us say prayers and never feel His listening ear.
How can we live like that?
We aren't really living if we can make it without His Presence.
Now is the time to give an answer. You may give him your answer right now. If you agree, pray with me:
God, my Creator, I choose to be what you made me to be, and to do what you made me to do. Lead me from now on by your Spirit. Amen.
Now follow the Spirit by maintaining a clear conscience, moment by moment, day by day. If your conscience is unclear, confess, ask forgiveness, and stop doing what convicts your conscience. If your conscience is clear, maintain that state. If you have any questions for me, write them in the comments, or write me privately. God bless you.
You are worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they exist and were created. Revelation 4:11
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