Who do you admire the most? What do you like doing more than anything?
When you think of the one you admire, or of what you like doing more than anything, at some point, you have encountered a Christian and an Anti-christian, a glimpse of Christ and the Antichrist. I know because I've experienced both.
As a musician, I have encountered heavenly and hellish music, and thus heavenly and hellish musicians. Both were wonderfully creative and opened new worlds of composition to me. Both pointed me to the Creator of Music, and the other claimed I could be The Creator of Music. One showed me how to create musical worlds that were like God's home world, the other wanted me to create my own world, where I am my own musical god. You may not be a musician, but in your field, you've met the Christian and the Anti-christian as well.
You've met someone that you admired in your field, someone who had an unexplainable quality. He or she seemed to grasp the concepts and principles of your field with extraordinary clarity. When you asked how he came to have such understanding, he told you about God. And you believed him. But you felt uneasy, because someone else seemed to have a similar clarity. But she didn't make you feel like you had to give up who you are to be enlightened. Quite the opposite. She told you that the light was in you, not in some distant God "out there." She wanted you to look deep inside of yourself and find your own light, like she did. You were attracted to her, but also cautious of her. Something in her voice told you she couldn't fully be trusted. You know intuitively that she also wanted you to lay down your life for her power source, though she didn't tell you what that source was.
So whom did you choose?
Whom do you choose?
The choice you are making, the choices you have made, only lead to the final choice you will make before this world ends. One day, in the final days, Christ and Antichrist will want what they've always wanted: your soul. You've already been giving it to one or the other. If you haven't been choosing Christ, choose him now. Right now. Not the Christ of your imagination, or the enlightened ones who focus you on yourself. Choose the God you can't imagine, the one beyond your imagination, the real God, the Only True God.
Choose Him now:
God, I have known you through creation and conscience, through revelations and persons who reflect you. But I have ignored you to be my own god. Please forgive me. I reject all false gods, and I submit to you alone, the Only True God.
Now pursue absolute reality, no matter what it costs you or your family or anybody. Refuse to live in the imaginary, or to allow anyone to tempt you to create your own reality. Jesus said these words for you to take to heart:
For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world: to bear witness to the truth.
All who are of the truth hear my voice.
If you want to hear the voice of Jesus, commit yourself to absolute truth, to absolute reality.
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