If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. Lao Tzu
John the Baptizer told us how to change.
Jesus told us how to change.
One word.
This is what Jesus said:
The time has come. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.
This is how (and why) you change your life:
1. Realize two things.
2. Do two things.
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the one's we've been waiting for. We are the change we seek. President Barak Obama
The first thing you must realize is this: The time has come. There is nothing else to wait for and no one else to wait for. What you've been waiting for, and who you've been waiting for, has already happened; He has already come. The world continues to seek The One with all the answers and power, The Savior of this sin sick world. He came, and He is still here. First, realize this.
Next, realize that because He came, the world we are waiting on is not in some far off future. It is now. We all want a Utopian heaven on earth, where there is true liberty and beauty and power and glory: The Kingdom of God. But there can be no kingdom without a king, The King. He came, and He is here; thus His kingdom is already here, not far...but near.
Realize these two things.
After this, two things remain for you to do.
Click here for part 2.
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