I am outside and standing in the sun, waiting for God to notice me. Before this, I am getting my mail. Birds chirp. Wind blows. Leaves move. Light pierces moving leaves. I walk back to my yard, then stop. I am alone. No people. No man. No woman.
I stand in the sun letting it heat my shirt. I wait for God to notice me.
I wait for some sign. Something that shows me he sees me and is reaching out to me. Some clearly deliberate thing to happen. Maybe a bird lands in front of me, looks at me, and approaches me. It chirps. It waits for me to chirp back (somehow it makes this known.) I imitate it's whistle. It does it back. As I type I hear birds chirping to each other. Echoing each other's chirp, the same rhythm and melody, one lower, the other higher. One nearer. The other farther.
They are responding to each other. Alive. In sync. Relating.
I am typing, in my house, looking at the sun shining on leaves, feeling the shade of my house, seeing the breeze on the trees in my yard, not looking at the keys as I type, waiting for God to notice me.
How do I know if he's noticing me? Really? The same way I know if any other person is noticing me. When I am outside I see a man with a red shirt on, talking on a cell phone, approaching his mail box. I notice him. But how does he know I notice him? He doesn't, as far as I can tell. He is not looking at me, or in my direction, and I am not trying to get his attention.
How do I know if God is trying to get my attention, like me getting the attention of the man in the red shirt?
I'm noticing the birds, but so is everyone else in my neighborhood. Where is everyone else, other than the man in the red shirt?
What if it is just me at home right now?
None of these have minds, emotions, or wills.
They can't reach out to me.
But they can by used by their Creator.
How would he write me a message in the dirt, or the sky?
How would he call to me through a birds so that I know the bird is his messenger?
Maybe Adam waits in Eden for God to notice him. But he does. He speaks to Adam. "From these trees eat. From this tree don't eat or you'll die."
God speaks to the first man and woman. Even to the serpent.
God notices them disobeying him.
God notices the man alone, puts him to sleep, takes a rib, closes the flesh, and makes a woman.
God notices the man alone and says, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make him a complimentary companion."
He makes the woman and brings her to the man.
The man notices the woman; she, alone, is like him among all creatures. He names her.
I am waiting for God to notice me, to speak to me, to come to me.
I am sitting in my living room. Will he come? Will an angel? Will someone risen from the dead?
A revelation is God noticing me, revealing something he sees, hears, feels, thinks, chooses.
Am I alone?
I know I can pray.
I know God is everywhere at once, seeing all, knowing all, holding all together by his power. Even me.
This is God noticing me.
To be alive is to be noticed by God.
He is not passive.
He actively keeps me alive.
To be alive is to be noticed by God.
To be alive means God is paying attention...to me.
"In Him we live and move and have our being."
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