Tuesday, August 2, 2016

How to Start (or Join) A Christian Group (Part 1)

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."  Matthew 18:20 NIV

I've noticed issues in Christian groups where believers are in conflict with each other.  Fundamental and essential conflicts.  Issues that deal with the essence of who Jesus is and why Jesus came.  This shouldn't be the case.  If we agree on anything, it should be Jesus.  But we don't.  We start or join Christian groups with little to no regard for who Jesus is in various situations.  I feel compelled by the Spirit of the Lord Jesus to address this.  I pray that everyone who reads it will be encouraged and convicted as I am encouraged and convicted.

First, what exactly is a "Christian Group?"  Or more to the point, what is the difference between a Christian Group and a church?  I don't see any difference from the Lord's perspective, other than one is called a Christian Group, and one is called a church, usually by a specific denominational creed.  For example, what's the difference between Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and Alethia Baptist Church in Macon, Georgia?  (I was a member of both, by the way.)  Of course, IVCF was centered and focused on "campus ministry," but so was Campus Crusade for Christ.  Alethia was focused on a particular neighborhood or area in Macon, though its members came from other areas in Macon.  Alethia focused on Bible Study Methods and its minister was a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary.  IVCF had various leaders from various church backgrounds, but their focus, as distinguished from Campus Crusade for Christ, was on small groups and accountability, whereas CCFC focused on outreach. 

So the focus of christian groups distinguish them, whether we deal with churches, campus ministries, or christian homeschooling groups.  But consider this:  though each group has a different purpose or focus, if each is a Christian group, shouldn't they all be gathered in Jesus' name?  Shouldn't Jesus actually be there with them by His Spirit? 


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