"What should we do?" said the other woman at the bus stop. (I, the woman with dark brown hair, the African-American woman who just spoke, and another man about college aged, stood watching this entire event.) The African-American woman also had dark brown eyes and bushy black hair that stood with a ferocity that contrasted the beauty of her humility.
"Accept the good news and change the way you live," the man of God warmly responded.
"What do you think about this so called 'message?'" The first woman sarcastically asked the college aged man.
"I don't think anything about it. He's free to believe whatever he wants." But he spoke hesitantly, with a slight tremble, like someone trying to convince himself of something he doesn't really believe.
"I accept your message sir," said the African-American woman. "I give my life to God right now."
"God's Spirit will lead you from now on."
"Sir, how do we know what you're saying is true?" I asked. I don't know why I and the African-American woman called him "sir."
"You knew from the time I spoke. You heard God Himself speaking through me to you."
He was right. I did. That's what I was trying to say earlier, but didn't know how. It really was like God was speaking to me through him, to all of us through him. Even the angry woman looked scared now. I could tell she also knew God was speaking.
"I don't want God in my life!" she yelled. This shocked all of us except the man of God.
"Then He won't be. But He loves you and will welcome you if you change your mind."
Tears filled the angry woman's eyes. They filled mine too. I could feel God's love in the man's voice, and I could see how deeply it touched the angry woman.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you," she said softly and sadly. For the first time, she looked sweet, again to my surprise.
"God loves you."
"I know He does. I'm sorry for everything I've ever done. Will He forgive me?"
"He does forgive you. Follow His Spirit from now on."
I saw something beyond words. The African-American woman and the formerly angry woman looked so peaceful they almost glowed. They were radiant. Like when someone has really clear healthy skin and they are pondering a beautiful memory.
"What about you two? How do you respond to God's message?
Click HERE for part 3
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