Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Archangel watches The Devil

As on the day of the great heavenly battle, I, with the Lord, saw the satan fall from heaven, I watch him, at set times, approach God’s throne.  I, Michael, the archangel, who defeated the liar before God made man, share with you, the creature, a glimpse of what you will see for all eternity. 

As it was on the day the satan accused Job, the time came for the accuser to stand accused, giving an account before God.  It is always the same.  The liar lies to his demons under his oppression as he departs his dark kingdom and leaves his dark throne.  “Fair well, princes of darkness.  I go now to receive worship from the so called creator, his so called creation, and the so called heaven.”  “Hail, Lucifer, son of the morning!”  “I receive your praise, as I receive all praise,” the satan says, with the smirk of pride personified…until he leaves his assigned realm of darkness.  I always see this.

Entering light from his assigned eternal night, his face quickly changes.  He is ensouled hate.  Hate mind.  Hate emotion.  Hate volition.  Hate in motion.  Hate moving towards love, unloved.  Ascending from the night into the light, approaching slowly the pearly gates, he waits.  Shivering as in earth’s winter cold, the satan becomes hesitation.  He is four steps away from God’s gates.

I hate me.

The first step is taken.  The last three he cannot imagine.

God hates me.

Step two nearly broke the spirit who is now nothing.

Then the part comes that the accused accuser dreads the most; it always came at his third step towards the gate of heaven.

Heaven hates the satan.

He heard them all in unison, and is the personification of heart broken barren existence.  The last step undoes him, with the last words of his unwelcome:

Creation hates the satan.

I, Michael, the archangel, saw the accuser accused. 





And Ashamed.

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