Think of something someone said that hurts you, even now...if it's not too painful.
Now think of something someone said that changed your life.
Or something someone said still affecting your life.
If it helps, I'll go first.
I'll actually start with something someone didn't say. In one of the hardest times of my life, I called my dad, hoping to see him. It was a horrible conversation. But I at least wanted it to end well. So I said, "Dad, I'm sorry if this conversation is bothersome to you. I'm going to have to go now, and I want you to know that I love you."
My dad didn't respond.
"Dad, I love you."
"I hear you son."
Then more silence.
Then I hung up.
My dad never said, "I love you too, son." Now, of course, he didn't say, "I DON'T love you, son." But he might as well. His silence, his simply "hearing" me, could've killed me. This is because "the tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." My dad spoke death. Years earlier my mom spoke life.
I was in college, or about to go to college. I was still living with my mom at the time, and we were in her room together. She was grading papers, and I can't remember what I was doing. Then, for no apparent reason, she said, "Son, I want you to know that nothing is wrong with you. I know you've been trying to find someone to love and you haven't yet. But I want you to know that nothing is wrong with you." She spoke life to me by the power of her tongue. Maybe even resurrection. I didn't know I was dead. I'd never said or thought to myself, "Something is wrong with me." But I realized that I must have been assuming it, in despair, in a quiet depression. Until my mother told me nothing was wrong with me. I still enjoy the fruit of the power of her words. What about you?
Now that I've told you the words in my life that killed me and brought me back to life, what words do you remember? What words of death and resurrection? Even more importantly, or maybe more importantly, what words have you spoken that killed or resurrected someone?
If you've killed someone with your words, there's still hope. Your words not only have the power to kill, but also to give life. Your apology may raise someone from the dead.
Now think of someone one you love. What can you say to give them life, or bring them back to life? If you thought of words that gave you life, think of why those words impacted you. How you can you do the same for someone else?
Take note of the answer; it is your power.
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