I heard you can heal.
I can't, but God can. Do you need to be healed?
No. My daughter.
What's the matter with her?
I can barely tell you without crying. Will you please come and heal her? You'll see what's wrong with her.
I'll come. God will heal her.
How do you know He will?
God blessed me with a gift. It's His gift of compassion, and His compassion heals.
So He feels bad about my daughter?
He feels infinitely worse than you do.
Then why did He even let it happen in the first place.... I'm sorry.
It's ok. Let's go to your daughter. We can talk after He heals her.
Rene, can you sit up for a moment?
It's hard daddy.
I know sweetheart.
It's ok. She can lay down. Rene I'm Darren.
Hey. Why are you crying Darren? Dad, please stop crying. I can't stand that I'm hurting you.
We love you Rene. Your dad. Me. And God.
I don't feel like God loves me. I feel like He hates me. I feel like I'm going to die.
You're not Rene. You're not going to die. In the name of Jesus, who died for you and rose for you, be healed.
Dear God! Rene! Your skin! Your hair!
I feel it daddy! I'm better! God made me better!
God thank you! Thank you Jesus for healing my daughter! Thank you so much God! Thank you!
Daddy, I'm better! I'm not tired! I don't feel like I want to throw up! My hair and skin are completely healthy! God healed me daddy! He really healed me! Daddy, where did Darren go?
I don't know sweetie.
We have to find him.
Ok. Maybe he's back at the church.
God, thank you so much for healing that beautiful girl! I never get tired of seeing you do that. Sometimes I have the same question her dad had. Why do you even let things like this happen in the first place?
Why did I let Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit? Why did I even make that fruit? Or why did I allow Lucifer to rebel?
I don't know Lord.
Somethings are mysteries to you son. But this isn't a mystery: Evil is possible because of freewill. The evil of one rebel effects all of creation. The sin of one man and one woman effects every man and every woman. I'm allowing evil for now. But I will destroy it once and for all and forever.
Thank you God.
When Rene and her father come, tell them what I've told you.
Please give me power to tell them. I'm sure they've heard about freewill before.
I'll be with you. I'll speak through you. I love you.
I love you too.
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