Have you ever wanted to know what it means to be filled with the Spirit, but left disappointed after reading a particular blog or book? I have. I've read books about it and still felt like I didn't know how to have this most necessary gift from God. If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for your sins and rose from the dead, by the time you're done reading this two part blog, you will know how to be filled with the Spirit!
This is how:
1. Yield to God's Spirit.
2. Ask Him to fill you with His Spirit.
Yield. Ask.
That's it.
I'll explain.
The Apostle Paul compares (and contrasts) being drunk with wine and being filled with the Spirit. I'll use Paul's contrast of getting drunk on wine to show you how to be filled with the Spirit.
Getting drunk involves two things: Deciding. Drinking.
When I was a bouncer at a bar, I often heard people say "I'm going to get wasted." That's the decision. Next comes the action: drinking until they are literally full of alcohol, so that they can feel the effects of drinking: uninhibitedness, boldness, happiness, unbridled anger or sadness, etc. And you know when people are drunk, though the manifestations vary. They look drunk, act drunk, walk drunk, and talk drunk. By deciding to get drunk, and taking in as much alcohol as they can hold, they achieve their goal: drunkenness. In other words, by deciding and drinking, they totally yield to alcohol. They give alcohol complete control over their bodies, minds, emotions, words, and actions. Their blood is permeated with alcohol. They are completely under the influence of alcohol--because they yielded to it.
This yielding is exactly what Paul is talking about in being filled with the Spirit.
(Click here for part 2)
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