Sunday, July 16, 2017

How to heal and be healed (Part 2)

So, how do you know if you are healed, or if someone else is healed when you share the good news about Jesus the healer?

How did you know you were saved when you believed the good news about Jesus the Savior?

The Spirit makes it known, as it is written, "The Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are children of God."  In other words, God Himself makes it known to you.  How else would it be?  If God is the one who is forgiving you, God Himself is the one who'd let you know that He forgave you.

And if God is the one who heals you, then you will know that you are healed in the same way you know that you are forgiven.

How do you know if you're forgiven?  You don't feel ashamed or condemned anymore.  You feel free to be in a relationship with the one you formerly sinned against. 

What about sickness?  How do you know you're healed from a cough?  You stop coughing.  How do you know you are healed from a headache?  Your head no longer aches. 

You should expect the same certainty, predictability, and reliability of healing that you do from salvation.  Is one harder for God than the other? 

Remember some men bring Jesus someone who was paralyzed?  They put him in through a roof because Jesus was so crowded by people trying to hear him.  Jesus saw their faith and said to the paralyzed man, "Your sins are forgiven."  The religious leaders thought Jesus blasphemed because only God can forgive sins.  So Jesus said, "Which is easier to say?  'Your sins are forgiven,' or 'Take up your mat and walk?' But so that you will know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins--(Jesus said to the paralytic) "Take up your mat and walk."  And the paralyzed man got up and walked.

Do you see the connection?  You can't see sins being forgiven, but you can see a paralyzed man get up and walk.  The same God who heals diseases, which came about through Adam's sin, also forgives the sin that caused sicknesses. 

But we don't usually believe that.  In Jesus' day, the religious leaders believed he could heal, but they didn't believe Jesus could forgive sins.  Today it's the opposite.  We believe Jesus can forgive sins, but we don't believe he can heal.  We may not even believe He forgives sin, not really. 

I choose to believe.  Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  He is still my Savior, my Healer, and Deliverer.

What about you?

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