I'm noticing how people don't look at each other really. And I'm thinking about this in relation to my realization. How am I supposed get people to look at me, or read my blogs, or read my books, or go to my youtube page? That's what "personal brands" are supposed to be all about. Somehow, I'm supposed to "market myself" so that people "can't ignore me." But why should I ignore anyone, or why should anyone ignore me? Really? You may not be a blogger, or author, or peformer, or You Tuber, or reality star. But doesn't reality tv show us something: that all of us are interesting in someway? That all of us have something to say and should be listened to by somebody? Anybody?
What is my 10 month old son, Atticus, "contributing" to the world other than his cute self? What goal is Atticus accomplishing? Yet when he cries, I listen. Lucy listens. People listen. Yes, of course, he's screaming at the top of his lungs, but he does so with the unconscious assumption that he's got something to say and all who are around him should listen. This is my realization: I have something to say and I want you to listen.
Now what do I have to say right now? Exactly what I'm typing right now!
All of the time I'm blogging my other blogs before this one, I'm trying to come up with some "theme." Some specific thing to say to some specific audience for some specific reason that will benefit this people group some how. But how does Atticus benefit you? Well, if you met him, he'd benefit you by simply being alive and cute, or not so cute, depending on the moment.
And there you have it.
I'm seeing that I don't have to try to say something that no one else is heaven, earth, or hell is saying. Do you know why? Because no one else in heaven, earth, or hell IS thinking about and writing about what I'm thinking and writing RIGHT NOW! That is, and always will be, the case. So, maybe I'm thinking, "Where is God?" Or maybe I'm having "Spiritual Thoughts." I might even be thinking about Sinless Perfection, or a number of other things at the moment. I will no longer limit myself to one blog type any more.
I will give myself to you at the moment.
And I want you to give me yourself at the same moment.
I want this from God, and I have this with God.
Life is when we have this with each other.
Eternal life is when we see that our purpose is to simply be.
To be what God made us to be intimately, eternally, and joyfully.
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