Monday, October 21, 2013

How to Follow the Holy Spirit TODAY! (Part 1)

If you believe in Jesus as your Savior, and follow Him as your Lord, His Spirit lives inside of you right now.

What if by the end of this blog you know exactly how to follow the Spirit?

What difference would that make in your life?

According to the word of God, following the Spirit is life and peace!

That's the difference it will make!

Let's begin that difference right now!

Let me tell you how to follow the Holy Spirit!

The first way the Spirit speaks to you and through you  is by your conscience.

As it is written,

With Christ as my witness, I speak with utter truthfulness. My conscience and the Holy Spirit confirm it.  Romans 9:11 NLT

When you make a decision, whatever the action, you may have the Spirit's confirmation. 

This is how the Spirit is leading you.

Think of right now.

Think of a decision you made, you are making, or that you will make?

What is your conscience saying to you about your decision?

Have you ever faced a decision that made perfect sense logically, it felt good emotionally, and you could choose it easily, but it just didn't "sit well" with you? That was your conscience, being confirmed by the Holy Spirit.  If you decided to act in spite of your conscience, you regretted it.

Have you ever faced a decision that was illogical, scary emotionally, and hard to choose, but somehow, though you couldn't explain it, you just knew you should do it?  That again was the Spirit's confirmation.  When you took action with your conscience, against all evidence contrary, you surprisingly found success

This is how the Spirit has tried to lead you in the past.
This is how He is trying to lead you right now.
This is how He will lead you in the future.

Peace to you as you follow Him.

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