Judges 6:17-18
Now that you know how to interpret signs from God, know that God is compassionate. Affirming. Encouraging. If you need a sign from Him, He is more than willing, and very able, to give you one. As He did for Gideon, He will gladly do for you.
God didn't get angry with Gideon when Gideon asked for a sign. He patiently waited for Gideon to return, and God gave him the sign he asked for. God gave Gideon three more signs after the first one I quoted at the very top of this blog, four signs in all.
- The second and third sign are the famous "Gideon's fleece" signs that have come to be a symbol of sign seeking. I've heard ministers discourage "putting fleeces out for God."
If by this they mean we think we need a "sign" before we do anything, including simple daily obedience, then yes, this is bad. But that's not what Gideon was doing. And if you are in the same position as Gideon, simply needing God's affirmation and encouragement, God respond to you like He responded to Gideon, because He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.
- The fourth sign God gave Gideon was by God's own initiation. Listen to God Himself speaking to Gideon:
During that night the Lord said to Gideon, “Get up, go down against the camp, because I am going to give it into your hands. If you are afraid to attack, go down to the camp with your servant Purah and listen to what they are saying. Afterward, you will be encouraged to attack the camp.”
Judges 7:9-11 (underline mine)
Look at the goodness of the God of Gideon.
The God of affirmation and attestation.
The God of encouragement and compassion.
God acknowledges Gideon's fear without condemnation or displeasure towards him. Instead, God sought to encourage Gideon and give him a sign that He was with Gideon.
If you are afraid about where you are in life and need to know that God is with you, He will give you a sign if you ask Him for one. He won't turn you away or rebuke you in your fear. Ask Him to give you a sign if you need one, if you feel afraid or discouraged or unsure of where you are going. Read the prayer below, and if you agree, pray it with me.
"Dear God, I'm afraid like Gideon was. I'm discouraged. I need to know that You are with me right now, or more importantly, that I am with You. Please give me a sign today that I'm in Your will, and that You are pleased with me. In Jesus name, by Your Spirit. Amen."
God loves you deeply, intensely, and intimately. He is your Father if you believe in Jesus. (And if you don't believe in Jesus, He still loves you, deeply, intensely, and intimately, and He wants you to believe in Him so that you may become His child today, right now. Believe in Him right now. Simply say, "God, I now put my trust in you.") He wants you to know His will for your life, wherever you are in life. Ask Him for a sign, and He will give you one. God loves you. I love you. Peace be with you.
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