Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Your Truest Ministry (Part 3)

Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh.  The Apostle Paul
These are the steps in fulfilling your truest ministry:
1. Know how the Spirit leads you.
2. Know how to use your spiritual gift.
3. Follow the Spirit's leading.
4. Use your spiritual gift.
Today we are focusing on step 3.
As master martial artist Bruce Lee once said,
"Knowing is not enough, you must apply.  Willing is not enough, you must do."
Or as James, the brother of Jesus, said, "Faith without works is dead," or useless.
Now that you know how the Spirit leads you, being taught this in my first blog of this series, you have to do it. 
Actively choose to follow the Spirit's leading, step by step, day by day.  Today.  Right now.
As a child of God, this is your obligation.
Everything hinges on this, and this alone.
  • Before you read the scriptures, stop and pray that the Spirit leads you in your reading.  When you do this, certain scriptures or passages will stand out to you.  This is His revelation, meant for your inspiration and application.
  • Before you talk to someone, pray that the Spirit leads the conversation.  He will help you to listen and hear insights into the person's heart, and He will give you words that will draw him to Christ, words that will conform her to the image of Christ.
 Before you say or do anything, pray this prayer, if you agree with it:
"My Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus, please lead me by your Spirit. Amen."
It's an easy prayer to remember and pray.
After you pray it, present to the Lord what you have in mind to do to serve Him.  If you have in mind to read the Bible, ask Him where to begin, or what to read.  If you have in mind to encourage a brother or sister in the Lord, tell Him what you have in mind to say, and see if you have the incomprehensible perfect peace of God in those words.  If not, the Spirit will give you different words to say.  He will lead you if you follow Him.  The choice is yours.
Follow the Spirit's leading to achieve your truest ministry.

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