"Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires." Romans 8:5
You can know right now whether you are following the Spirit of God. Every step you take should be in step with the Spirit's leading. This wonderful privilege is determined by one thing: your mindset.
Read this definition of mindset with me:
A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and interpretations of situations. (From Dictionary.com.)
Break the definition down, and apply it to what Paul says about those who live according to the Spirit:
1. A fixed mental disposition. This is what you choose to focus your mind on.
2. That predetermines. This is a decision made before situations happen.
3. Interpretations. This is how you see what is happening in your life.
4. Responses. This is how you will choose to act or react to what is happening in your life.
Paul said that the Spirit led child of God has a mindset, a "fixed mental disposition," according to the dictionary definition. The spiritual man or woman is focused on what the Spirit of God desires, so that this focus predetermines their interpretations and responses to every situation.
For example: Anna, a Christian mother wakes up in the morning to begin her day. Anna follows the Spirit. Her "fixed mental disposition" is this question: "What does the Spirit of God desire for me today?" So she prays. The desires of the Spirit predetermine her interpretation of the day, and her responses to situations that happen in her day. The Spirit is leading her to take her children to the State Park. So she is going. (Read Part 2 to find out what happens...click HERE.)
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