Only you.
We are one.
You are not alone.
If you believe in the one true God,
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Who died for our sins, and rose for us to be born again,
If you believe in His Spirit, and can't live without His voice,
I'm writing to you and for you.
Only you.
We are one.
You are not alone.
If you want more than to just read about the God in the Bible,
you are not alone.
If you want God to speak to you face to face,
by His Spirit,
as He does with His friends,
As He did with Moses,
Or Israel,
Or Samuel,
Or the 12, the 70, the 120, the 500...
If you want a constant conversation connection with God,
I'm writing to you and for you.
Only you.
We are one.
You are not alone.
If you know the voice of Christ,
let's listen to Him together.
If you want to learn the voice of His Spirit,
let me teach you, and lets listen together.
The only wisdom I have is this:
I know the voice of God.
As it is written,
"Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom...but let him who boasts boast about this: that He understands and knows Me." Jeremiah 9:23-24
I know the voice of God.
I cannot and will not live without it, as Jesus said,
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
Matthew 4:4
Jesus didn't say, "every word written by the finger of God."
The Bible is a bunch of dead letters if the Spirit isn't inspiring it today as He did yesterday, as it is written,
"He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." 2 Cor. 3:6
If God breathes life into the Bible while we read it, then we encounter the Living God once again.
If you cannot and will not live without God's voice, then I am writing to you and for you.
Only you.
We are one.
You are not alone.
Join me this year.
Join my blogger circle.
Follow me as I follow the voice of Christ.
Listen to the Spirit with me.
Encounter God's wisdom--in me--FOR YOU!
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