Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What Jesus Wants to Do For YOU Today

After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive.  Acts 1:3

Did you know that Jesus wants to convincingly prove something to you?  That He wants to give you many convincing proofs about something that will change your life forever?

The word of God says that "Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8.)  So what He did in the past, He still does in the present.  What He wanted in the past He still wants today. 

  • After Jesus rose from the dead, He wanted to give His followers many convincing proofs that He was alive, that He rose from the dead. 

Now why would He want or need to do this?  After all, He told them on several occasions before He died that He would die and rise again after three days. 

It 's because His followers were no different from you and me.  They didn't understand Him or believe Him when He was alive, and they doubted Him when He rose from the dead.  Some make it seem like the women who went to Jesus' tomb were especially honored as the first to seem Him risen.  But these women went to anoint His body, which they assumed was in the tomb--DEAD!  They no more believed what He said about rising from the dead than His male followers did. 

But Jesus was merciful to the men and women who followed Him.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so He is merciful to you and me. 

If you have any doubts about who Jesus is or what He did, know what He wants to do for you.
Jesus wants to convincingly prove this to you:
He rose from the dead;  Jesus is alive! 
As He died for you, He now lives for you!
Ask Him to convince you, and He will.
Right now.

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