Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Two Beautiful Promises of God for YOU TODAY (Part 2)

When you ask someone for traveling directions in a place you've never been, you are trusting the one giving directions in the way you should go.  You trust that he knows the city because he was born in this city and has lived there his whole life.  You trust that she knows the restaurant you're trying to find because she's worked there for 5 years. 

  • You are confident in what you hope for:  Good Directions. 
  • You have assurance of what don't see:  Your Destination.

Your confidence and assurance are coming from the promises of this local man and this woman who works in a restaurant.  They are in effect saying this, "If you trust and follow the instructions I'm giving you, then you will reach your destination." 
But imagine even better.  The woman stays on the cell phone with you and gently tells you when you're on course or when you're deviating from the course.  She gives you land markers to know when you are near the restaurant or getting farther away. She not only gave you instructions in writing, but she' s on the phone teaching what to look for, and gently counseling you as you get closer to where you want to go. 
This is what God's Spirit promises you today.  Follow His instructions, His teachings, and His loving counsel.  He won't make you feel stupid by looking on you with critical judgmental eyes when you don't know where you are going.  He will counsel you with loving eyes on you.  I pray this encourages you as it is encouraging to me.

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