The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. 1 John 3:8
Everything you do should build God's work and destroy the devil's work simultaneously. To submit to God is to resist the devil, and cause him to flee from you, not you to flee from him. You are his enemy, undoing whatever he does. You join the Son of God in His reason for appearing: To destroy the devil's work. Sin is the work of Satan. When you appear, you do so to destroy sin.
A man is the image and glory of God. Sin is to fall short of God's glory. So real men, Christ like men, destroy the work of the devil. The devil's work is to dishonor God's image. Real men bring honor to God's image.
A woman is the glory of God's glory. She destroys the devil's work by reflecting the glory of God in man, her husband, her brother, her father.
The devil is a liar, the father of lies, speaking lies effortlessly. When we speak the truth only, we honor God who is truth, and dishonor the devil, who is the liar.
God hates divorce, therefore the devil loves separating couples. Husbands and wives who are faithful are destroying the works of the devil.
God considers children a reward, which means Satan considers them a punishment, and seeks their death. Bearing children destroys the works of the devil, who is a murderer, the first murderer. Loving children dishonors Satan and glorifies Jesus, who loved little children.
The list goes on, and you have a part in the list, individually and specifically. There is a specific work of God you alone can build, and a specific work of Satan you were saved to destroy. What is it?
It's who you are right now and whatever you are doing right now. Remember, Jesus appeared to do this. He wasn't passive, but came to break down whatever Satan does.
Don't be afraid, if you are. Jesus in you is greater than Satan outside of you. Jesus Himself, by His Spirit, protects you from the evil one. In Jesus name, undo whatever Satan is doing around you. This is what you were born again to do.
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