To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:31-32
Slavery is an issue of reality. Many of my ancestors didn't know the truth of who they were and where they came from. They were born into a false reality where Africans were inferior, less than human, ugly and stupid and cursed by God to serve white people in this country. A satanic reality.
And who would tell them different? Who would tell them the truth that would set them free to be what God made them to be?
Only those who know the truth can tell the truth. Only those who know the truth are free themselves.
The slave and the slave master were both deceived by the truest slave master, Satan himself. They both believed a lie, deceived like their first mother Eve.
But there were those who were like their first father Adam, those who were not deceived. These chose to resist or embrace the lie, to keep the truth from those who lacked it, and to embrace slavery by becoming slave masters themselves.
Some whites knowingly and willingly used Christianity to embrace slavery.
Some blacks knowingly and willingly became "overseers" of their brothers and sisters.
But other whites resisted, becoming abolitionists, on the front lines or behind the scenes.
And other blacks led slave revolts, took beatings and lynching while resisting, and taught themselves how to read.
The issue for whites and blacks was the truth that set them free. Jesus was the truth that set both free, if they accepted His words as reality.
click HERE for part 3
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