Monday, February 24, 2014

Why God Delivered African-Americans From Slavery

I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people.  I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians; I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high. Leviticus 26:12-13

Why are the descendents of African slaves in this country?  Notice I didn't say "African-Americans."  After all, some believe there are no hyphenated Americans. Just Americans.  Only British history worth remembering.  All other history and ethnicity must blend.  Simply American.

Yet the erasing of name, history, and identity is the first step to slavery.  Believing the lie of originlessness.  So I resist the devil that he may flee from my ancestry.

I ask again.

Why are the descendents of African slaves in this country?

It depends.

If these descendents of African slaves remember and walk with the God who set them free to be what He made them to be, then we are here as a testimony, and all should bear witness thetrue  God who walks among us just as He walked among the Israelites. The true God is the God of the Africans in this country, and we too are His people.

The God of Ham and of Abraham delivers from oppressors. The Almigty freed Israel so they were no longer slaves to the Egyptians.  And The Most High freed my people so that we are no longer slaves of the British who considered themselves superior. The Most Holy broke the bars of our yoke and enabled Africans in this country to walk with heads held high, just as He did for Israel.  God shows no favoritism.

So to my people who believe in the Lord, the descendents of African slaves, those who have been set free by Christ and Christ alone, we were delivered to be witnesses of true liberty.  And this is true liberty:  God walking among us as our God, and we who trust in His Son walk with Him as His people.

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