Saturday, February 22, 2014

Why You Should Be Different As A Christian

As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.  But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do;  for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."  1 Peter 1:14-16

If you are a Christian, you sin when you are the same as everyone else.  It is the ultimate contradiction and hypocrisy, and Jesus had absolutely no tolerance for fakeness.  We who believe are to be holy, set apart, distinct--different.  We are different in two ways: 

We don't conform to our old ignorant desires, but we are obedient children of God.

We used to be ignorant of the truth and of goodness, according to the Apostle Peter. Those in his day worshiped idols, and we today used to do the same.  We used to think of ourselves as central, the starting point from which we measure good and evil.  But when Jesus showed us who we really, creatures who belong to our Creator, we changed our minds.  We believed and became the children of God, and no longer made our desires center.

We live to obey the Spirit of our Father in us.  This distinguishes us.  This makes us different.  We have given our bodies as living sacrifices. We honor our bodies as the temples of the Holy Spirit.  We present each body part to God as instruments and weapons of righteousness.  Unlike those who consider their bodies their own to do whatever they please, we dare not defile God's Holy Temple.  We set our bodies apart, using them only for God's glory.

You should be different as a Christian because you are different as a Christian.  You should be holy because God is holy.  There is only One God, and you belong to Him alone. 

Be different. 
Belong to God.

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