The LORD turned to him and said, "Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?" Judges 6:14
God called Gideon a "mighty warrior." God said that He was with Gideon, and was sending Gideon to save Israel from Midian, Israel's idol worshiping enemies. But Gideon felt insecure, and was uncertain that he could defeat Midian. So what did God say to Gideon?
"Go in the strength you have."
Not in the strength you WILL have.
Not in the strength God WILL give you.
Gideon was to go in the strength he already had at that moment.
God assumed Gideon knew what that strength was and how to use it.
He assumes the same with you.
What is your strength right now? Your talent or skill? Your sure and true ability?
The natural strength that you have, right now, will become supernatural ability from God, in whatever context you are in.
At your job, whatever your "staff" is, whatever your strength is, use it go honor God. If you do this, the natural will become supernatural, the simple will become a miracle, the physical will become physical. For example.
Lets say you're good at organizing things. Bringing order. That is your strength. Your "instrument" is a planner. Now the Apostle Paul said these words to the church in Corinth, "God is not the author of disorder, but of peace." So you have an ability that resembles the ability of God: The ability to bring order. When you use this ability "naturally," the Spirit of God will manifest it supernaturally, so that His order and your order become one. People will feel the order that is present in the kingdom of God, a spiritual and supernatural order in the atmosphere where you work, or even in your home. They will comment on it. "It always feels so peaceful in your home/your office." I know this because I've experienced it first hand. I've brought order in my home or job, in the name of the Spirit of Christ, and people consistently comment on how it feels in my home or in my work space.
Whatever your strength is, that is all God requires you to use to do miracles, to perform the supernatural.
Learn from Moses to use what is in your hand to do miracles.
Learn from Gideon to use the strength that you have to do miracles.
Learn from David use your past successes for present power to do miracles.
Click HERE for part 3.
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