We only have one decision to make, and it's the same eternal decision the angels made:
Who will we worship--God or Satan?
Once you make this decision, you will never have to make it again, because there will never be a time when God is not God or Satan is not Satan. This puts you in the same position as God Himself, as far as the sinless nature of God goes. I'll show you how.
According to scripture, sin is "the transgression of the law." In other words, disobedience. But God has no one above Him to obey. His will is the highest will. He submits only to Himself, and therefore will not and cannot sin. But as creatures, we are subject to the will of the Creator. And when we submit our wills to His will alone, our wills are one with His, and we in the same position to Him as He is to Himself. In other words, when we decide, once and for all, that we will only submit to the will of God, we have made the same decision, if you will, that God has made about His own will. It is just as easy for us as it is for God to submit to His will. Why is this? Because no matter what happens, no matter the temptation of Satan, Satan is not God. Period. It's simply reality for all eternity.
What can Satan, as Satan, say or do to you to convince you to reject God and accept him? If Satan came to you as Satan, would there be anything he could say to turn you from God?
"But Satan is not going to come to me as Satan. Nor will his temptations be that obvious," someone may say. "Further more, because we have a 'sinful nature,' it will never be as easy for us to resist sin as it was for Jesus"
I used to think this, and thus think Jesus had an "unfair advantage." But the angels didn't have a "sinful nature," nor did Adam and Eve, and they still sinned. Cain had a "sinful nature," and God told Cain that he must master the sin that sought to master him. So having or not having a sinful nature was not and is not the issue. The choice is the issue. The choice of masters: creature or Creator, as it is written,
They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Romans 1:25
- Jesus said we cannot have two masters, that we would love one and hate the other.
- Joshua told Israel to choose whom they would serve, and that he and his house chose to serve the LORD.
- Elijah said the same to Israel: Choose God or choose Baal, but no longer waiver between the two.
It is always the same: a choice.
And the choice is eternal, once and for all, for time and eternity.
The Creator is always the Creator.
The creature is always the creature.
Which will be your master? Which will you worship?
Which ever you choose, you choose eternally.
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