Monday, March 31, 2014

Your Truest Ministry (Part 1)

As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the children on of God.  The Apostle Paul 

What do you as a follower of Christ need to be doing, all day, everyday?

The answer to this question determines your effectiveness, or ineffectiveness, in God's purposes.

Look at the question again.

What key words do you see?
There should be two:
  • Follower
  • Doing
Followers follows. 
They do what their leaders command and empower them to do.

As a follower of Christ Jesus, you should follow the His Spirit
in using the spiritual gift He's given you. 
This is your truest ministry. 
These are the steps in fulfilling your ministry:

1. Know how the Spirit leads you.
2. Know how to use your spiritual gift.
3. Follow the Spirit's leading.
4. Use your spiritual gift.

Let's focus on number one.

The first level of the Spirit's leading is Spirit led conscience, or a sense of the peace of God as you are about to make a decision.  It's like a "red, yellow, or green light" that you sense when you think through what to do.  For example, you pray and ask God if you should or should not take a job offer.  You express your thoughts, feelings, and desires about the job offer.  You then wait to sense the Spirit's leading.  You feel a "red light," a sense that you should not take the job, even though it "makes sense for you to do so."  Or you sense a "green light" to take the job, even though it does not make sense to do so.  Or maybe you feel a "yellow light" to wait and pray more. 

In the beginning of following the Spirit, He will lead you with the peace of God, which is incomprehensible and perfect. It "surpasses all understanding," and it is a complete deep down sense of peace.  This is how the Spirit leads you in the beginning, and is a basic way to sense and know His direction in your life.  As you mature, the red/yellow/green lights will become more specific--you'll receive more specific intuitive revelations. You won't simply present things to the Spirit for Him to approve or disapprove through peace, or a lack of peace.  As you grow in your faithfulness in following your Spirit led conscience, He will initiate revelations and directions through your Spirit led intuition.  And the more faithful you are to Spirit lead intuition, the more specific the revelation, until it become a conversation--spiritual communion.  In other words, you will come to know the very voice of God. 

Know how the Spirit leads you by being faithful to your Spirit led conscience, to peace of God, to the red light/yellow light/green light.

(To be continued.)

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