How can you know without doubt you are being led by the Spirit of God? After all, this is the essence of the life a disciple: to follow the Spirit of Christ wherever He leads you. You must know. You can know. By the end of my words, you will know.
The Lord Jesus affirmed the words of Moses when He said, "Let everything be established by two or three witnesses." So let's establish the certainty of following the Spirit with two witnesses:
1. Peace
2. Self-Control.
You can know without a doubt you are being led by the Spirit of Christ if you experience perfect, incomprehensible peace and complete self-control.
Let's explore both.
Not just any kind of peace, mind you, but what the Apostle Paul calls "the peace of God." God's peace has two characteristics:
- It's perfect.
- It's incomprehensible, or "surpasses all understanding."
This means that it is complete and can't be explained any other way than being from God. For example. You pray about whether you should take a job offer or not. The job doesn't seem quite right for you. It's not in the location you wanted, and it doesn't pay what you think you need. But for some reason, you feel complete peace about the job, and the peace doesn't make any sense at all to you. Yet deep inside, you have a deep sense of inner tranquility when you consider the job offer. That peace is the peace of God, surpassing all understanding. When you feel that, you can know that you are following the Spirit.
Now imagine you are in a different job situation. You have a job opportunity that seems absolutely perfect in every way. Perfect location. Perfect pay. Perfect responsibilities. You like the people, the boss, the office. Yet for some reason, you just don't feel right about the job, and it makes no sense to you why you don't. No matter how you try to rationalize your decision to take this perfect job, you feel deep inside you shouldn't, though there is no physical evidence against the job. This is the Spirit leading you away from the job, if you will listen. The Spirit will lead you by the Peace of God, one of the fruit of the Spirit. He will also lead you through self-control. Find out how. Click here.
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