This was the greatest Bible Study in History! The Resurrected Lord Jesus Himself explaining the entirety of scripture, explaining the very essence of the scriptures: "what was said in all the Scriptures concerning Himself."
This is how to study the Bible. This is the truest Bible Study Method. No matter what seminary or degree or method you choose, it must begin and end according to the following scriptures:
He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.”
Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. Luke 24:44-45
These are my conclusions about studying the Bible:
- As far as a Biblical Bible Study method, meaning the actual technique of the Bible study, The Bible itself seems to give only three necessary "techniques"
1. Read the Bible
2. Meditate on the Bible.
3. Do what the Bible says.
This may take many forms, like the Bible Study Method I learned. But as far as the Bible goes, you're supposed to read it so you that can focus your mind on it and then do it. We are to be "doers of the word and not hearers (or thinkers) only."
Yet above and beyond these techniques, I see the one crucial thing:
Jesus must open our understanding so that we may comprehend the scriptures; He Himself must walk us through the scriptures, explaining what the Bible is saying about Himself.
This is Bible Study!
This is how you should define Bible Study from now on!
This is how you should define whether a pastor or teacher or minister is actually gifted by the Spirit to teach the scriptures.
This is how you should measure your every encounter with scripture:
- Is Jesus opening your understanding so that you comprehend the scriptures?
- Is Jesus, by His Spirit, walking you through the scriptures and explaining to you what the scriptures say about Himself?
No matter the commentary or seminary or method, if Jesus Himself is not opening your understanding about Himself in the scriptures, and if you don't act on what He is showing you about Himself, it is not true Bible Study.
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