Monday, March 24, 2014


"The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!"

Jesus gave two commands.  Commands.  Things He told those who were listening to do.  Not things He expected to be done to them or for them.  Things they who were listening to Him were to do themselves.

1.  Repent, and
2.  believe the good news.

As I said earlier, to "repent" means to change one's mind and purpose, to change how you think, and your reason for living.  Change it.  Right now. Why?  Because, as Jesus said, "The time is now." Not in 21 days.  Now.  But WHAT time is now?  Not just any time.  The time of the Kingdom of God, because "The Kingdom of God has come near."  Because today, right now, the Kingdom of God has come near, change the way you are thinking about life, and why you are living your life.  That's what Jesus told those who were listening to Him 2000 years ago, and that's what He's telling you now, if you want to really change today.  That's the first thing He says, but this is connected to the second thing, taking us back to the way to change.

He said to believe the good news.  What good news?  That the time is now and the Kingdom of God has come near.  There is no more waiting, no need to wait 21 days, or another moment.  Why?  Because the Kingdom of God was not, and is not, coming in 21 days.  It has already come, because the King has already come.  He is the change, remember.  Your relationship with and to Him is the change of mind and purpose--the repentance, that He COMMANDS.

I've heard someone say, "Repentance is a gift," as though it is something that can't happen unless God makes it happen.  This is completely false.  The "gift of repentance" would be the opportunity to change, but not a passive thing that is done to you or for you.  Imagine it like this.  Say I'm over weight, and my best friend gives me a treadmill, because I've been wanting one but didn't have the money.  He just gave me "the gift of repentance," an opportunity to change.  But he can't lose weight for me, or run the treadmill for me.  But if I repent, if I change my mind and purpose, and believe the good news that the treadmill is now mine, then I will experience a new body.  What is the change of mind and purpose?  I would stop thinking and acting like someone who didn't have a treadmill, and start thinking and acting like someone who has a treadmill. Why?  Because I in fact DO have a treadmill, which is good news for me!

So what is the good news for you, the good news that if you believe it will enable you to really change today?  (Click HERE to find out.)

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