Monday, March 30, 2015

How You are like The Unknown God (Part 1)

The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.  For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.  1 Corinthians 2:10b-11 NIV

You are a mystery like God is a mystery.  Remain silent and see.  Who can know you?  Who can know me?  We honor everyone we speak to, revealing what cannot be seen--the secrets of our thoughts.  How do you know what anyone thinks?  Better yet, how do you know if someone is telling you the truth when you ask, "What are you thinking about?"

You don't.
Neither do I when I ask you.
We assume we say what's true.
Most of us do. But how can we know?

If this is true for me and you, how much so with the Unknown God?

Friday, March 27, 2015

How to KNOW what others think about YOU

Those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of Jesus.  The Apostle Paul to the Roman Christians of Paul's time (my paraphrase.)

What words comes to mind when people think about you?  Imagine.  You walk in the room at your job, or school, or when you get home.  They see you. What comes to their minds?
  • "Oh no, it's him!"
  • "Thank God, it's him!"
  • "Dear Lord, it's her!"
  • "Praise God, it's her!"
You can control what comes to their minds, starting now.
What do you want to come to their minds?  Or how do you want them to feel?

In her book, "The Power of Presence," Kristi Hedges calls these two concepts personal presence and situational presence. 
  • Personal presence is what comes to mind when people think of you.
  • Situational presence is how you make people feel.
According to Hedges, your intentions determine your personal and situational presence.  So what you need to do as a Christian is align your intentions with God's intentions. 
  • What does God want people to think when they encounter you? 
  • How does God want people to feel when they experience you?
God's intention for every man and woman is imitation: We were made to be like God.

(Click HERE for part 2)

How to KNOW what others think about YOU (Part 2)

  • To know what others think about you, determine your intention, decide upon your  impression.
  • Make a decision to think, say, and do what you want people to think of you.
  • This decision should match God's decision for you to be His imitation. 

When people think of you, they should think that you are like God.
What people should feel when they come around you is the very presence of God,
with you and in you.

When it is your intention to be known in this way, and to be felt this way, you will be.  People will see what you want them to see and feel what you want them to feel.

"But how can I be sure of this, and should I even care what people think?"

Jesus was sure of how he came across, and he cared about what people said about him.  One day he had this interaction with his followers:

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”  They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”  “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?"  Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:13-16 NIV

Jesus asked this question because he cared to know what his followers and others thought about Him.  He didn't care about this because of insecurity or vanity.  Jesus came to reveal the truth about who God is and what God is really like.  He cared that people knew the truth about God.  So should you.  You were made to reveal what Jesus is like, wherever you are.  People should see what Jesus would be like if he were in your place or position.  You determine this by your intention. 

Do you want people to see and feel Jesus when they think about and experience you?  Then make that decision.

If you agree, pray with me:

God, you made me to know you and be like you.  I give myself to you for this purpose.  In Jesus name, amen.

Now say,
"I am a man (or a woman), God's image and likeness and glory.  Feel God in me; feel God with me."

Before you enter a room, before you interact with anyone, pray for Christ's Spirit to fill you, and say the words above.  By doing those two things, people will think these thoughts about you, "He/she is like God."  They will feel God's presence with you and in you. 

How do you know what others think about you?  Your impression upon men and women is your decision, the result of your intention.  It's up to you what people think of you.

How people know you're a child of God

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.  Romans 8:14 NIV

My wife took a picture of my son and I walking hand in hand.  On that day, the day my wife took the picture, anyone could see that my son looked like me, walked with me, and called me daddy. This is how they knew he was my child.  And this is how people know you are a child of God.

You look like God.
You walk with God.
You call God "daddy."

When you pray, you feel God listening.  Anyone with you or near you can also feel God listening to you, as it is written, "The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth." 

When you hear a daughter call her daddy sincerely, you know who her father is and who she is as a daughter.  The same is true for our heavenly father and us. When we pray, people see and feel God listening to us.  I've personally experienced this on more than one occasion.

Once on a job assignment I silently prayed within me, in my mind only.  Someone came up to me and said, "Excuse me, I didn't want to disturb you while you were praying...." He then asked me a question relating to my job position.  But how did he know I was praying?  I wasn't kneeling or bowing my head or putting my hands together like we sometimes do when we pray.  Somehow, he saw it and felt it.  Intuitively he knew I was connecting with God.  Another woman I worked with saw the same thing and responded the same way.  My prayer connection to God was so real they could feel it. The same is true for you, son or daughter or God, when you pray. 

How do people know you're a child of God?
You look like Him.
You walk with Him.
You call Him dad.

They know you are God's child when you pray.
They feel Him listening to you.
They sense Him in the room with you.

Know the power of your prayers in manifesting the presence of God.

If you agree, pray right now with me:

Our Father in heaven, we approach you in the name of Jesus by Your Spirit in us.  We welcome your presence with us and in us.  Let everyone with me and near me feel you with me and in me.  If they don't know you, let the come to know you.  If they do know you, let them be closer to you.  Amen.

Friday, March 20, 2015

How to Know the Spirit of Christ is Speaking Through You

For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. Luke 21:15

When Jesus speaks through you, those who oppose you will be unable to reply to or resist your words.

You will silence them.

Now this won't happen by your own human eloquence or intelligence.  It won't happen because you want to win an argument. 

It will happen when you defend the truth of God's word against those who directly oppose you.

When you find yourself in a position of verbal spiritual opposition, pray for Christ's Spirit to give you wisdom and words. 

He will do it, and your enemies will know it.

The Spiritual Mind: A Revelation from God (to me, for you)

Carmen imagines Cameron.  In her imagination, Cameron is in love with her.  She sees him looking deeply into her eyes with longing and passion.  Carmen gazes longingly at Cameron in return.  Her heart pounds with the anticipation of his kiss.

At the same time, Cameron is imagining Carmen.  His love for her overwhelms him.  Somehow he senses a meeting of their minds, intensifying his imaginings.
Carmen and Cameron use their imaginations and make a connection, a soulical connection enhanced by their spirits reaching out and touching each other.  If Carmen thought of Cameron without him thinking of her, she may feel intensely for him, but not as intensely as when he is thinking about her at the same moment she's thinking of him.  It's like they are on the phone, separated by miles because of a business trip.  They experience a collaborative phone fantasy to replace their lack of physical intimacy.  This can happen by their imagination if they have a soul connection.  From the soul to the body, Cameron and Carmen experience intimacy through mental fantasy.

Jessica imagines Jesus.  She feels Him sitting with her as she prays, pouring out her heart.  She feels an Invisible Intangible Inaudible Listener.  As she thinks about Him, she feels Him thinking about her at the same moment.  Her soul unites her spirit to His Soul and His Spirit.
It is written,
"Those who live in accordance with the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh.  Those who live in accordance with the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit." 
The difference between Cameron and Carmen, and Jesus and Jessica, is the difference between soul connecting to body, and soul connecting to spirit.  Carmen and Cameron used their minds to connect to each others bodies; Jessica used her mind to connect to Jesus' Spirit.  Both connections are very real, but result in inherently different experiences, as Jesus said,
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit." 

  • If you use your imagination to make a physical connection, you will experience physical arousal, and a need for physical fulfillment.
  • If you use your imagination to make a spiritual connection, you will experience spiritual arousal and a need for spiritual fulfillment.

It's up to you how you use and focus your mind. 

The images above are from:

Saturday, March 14, 2015

What God wants you to do

"Go in the strength that you have."
 God's words to Gideon

You should only do what you're good at because what you're good at is all God made you to do.  Why waste time focusing on your weaknesses instead of your strengths?  America tells you to work hard to succeed.  God tells you to do what's easiest for you to do, the very things you are gifted by Him to do.  It makes more sense to use your time on the things you are good at and love doing than to waste your time failing over and over again.  We learn in this country to "learn from our mistakes," to try and try again.  Trial and error is they way of our American pride.  When things come to easy for us, we don't feel like we've "earned" the reward.  But God's reward goes to those who do what He made them to do. 

What about you?

Will you use the gifts and talents God gave you, doing what comes easiest to you?

When you face God

You're dead.  Now what?  You're standing in front of The Creator, your Creator.  He asks you, "Did you become what I imagined in your creation?"  What is your answer?

Your answer to God's question is the meaning of your life,
your only source of power, happiness, and purpose.
What is your answer?
When you wake up from death, or when you see Jesus return in the sky, your answer will be eternally settled.  It's the same as your answer right now.  Nothing will change, unless you change, if you need to change...right now.  I know what my answer is as I write to you.
Yes God, I am what you made me to be, your image and likeness and glory, your son through faith in Christ Jesus.
This is my answer now, and it will be my answer when I meet Jesus in the sky.


What is your answer?
Jesus is coming.
We have no other reason to exist than to fulfill the purpose of our Creator as His sons, daughters, and creatures.  How can we ignore the one we live for and should be willing to die for? 
Some of us go to "church" and never experience God.
Some of us say prayers and never feel His listening ear.
How can we live like that?
We aren't really living if we can make it without His Presence.
Now is the time to give an answer.  You may give him your answer right now.  If you agree, pray with me:
God, my Creator, I choose to be what you made me to be, and to do what you made me to do.  Lead me from now on by your Spirit.  Amen.
Now follow the Spirit by maintaining a clear conscience, moment by moment, day by day.  If your conscience is unclear, confess, ask forgiveness, and stop doing what convicts your conscience. If your conscience is clear, maintain that state.  If you have any questions for me, write them in the comments, or write me privately.  God bless you.
You are worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they exist and were created.  Revelation 4:11

Sunday, March 8, 2015

How the devil gets you (and how to stop him)

Be self-controlled, be watchful.  Your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  The Apostle Peter
The devil wants to possess you.  He wants to devour you.  He wants to swallow you whole.  The way he does this is by thinking for you, feeling for you, or choosing for you.  In a word:  control.  This is why Peter says be self-controlled.  The devil wants to completely control you.  This is how he gains control over you.
This "thought" flashes into your mind: "I hate him!"  You feel intense hatred for your boss.  This is what you think and feel, but you can't trace origin the thought or emotion.  Though your boss sometimes annoys you, the feeling of hatred came on so suddenly and intensely that you can't recall how you came to feel it.  At this moment you have a choice:
Accept the thought as your own.
Reject the thought and think for yourself.
This is how Satan gets you: 
  • He thinks in the first person, as if you are the one actually you thinking his thoughts.
  • He imposes his emotion on you, as if it's actually you feeling the emotions of Satan.
The solution is self-controlled awareness, as Peter says.  Determine your own thoughts and focus and be aware of what you are actually thinking and feeling. 

Any thought that you didn't deliberately choose to think about is...not ...yours. 

I'll say it again:

If you didn't actively choose the thought in your mind, and the thought is imposing itself on your mind to the extent that you can't seem to get it out of your mind, that unchosen uncontrolled thought is from the devil or a demon. 

God never imposes His thoughts or feelings on you.  Ever.  If you have a thought in your mind that you blatantly don't want, but can't seem to stop thinking about it, that from...a demon.

As it is written,
"Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you."