Wednesday, October 30, 2013



James Williams, son of Robert, where have you been and where was your going?
I came from a hard working family, and I focused on being as successful as humanly possible.

What did success mean for you in your life?
It meant I got all that I earned through my hard work and skill.

What was that?
Respect in my field, wealth, luxury, all the perks of someone who made it!

Now, in front of Me, what did all of your accomplishments mean?
……..I don’t know exactly.  I feel like I’ve done next to nothing.  But how can that be?  Haven’t I used all the talents You gave me for good?

For whose good?  Whose good did you intend in your definition of success?
……………mine, and anyone else’s who wanted to succeed in life.

What about your wife and children?
They didn’t have my drive!  They always wanted my time and attention in a way that distracted me.

You only valued those who had your drive.
Who else deserved my value?

After you succeeded, according to your definition of success, what happened to your drive?
Well when a man gets to the top, he can relax.

And do what?
Enjoy the fruit of his labor.  Even the Bible says that.

So only those who were driven and successful in their labor deserve your time, and deserve enjoyment and rest in life?

What do you want from Me?
What have I ever wanted from you?  Absolutely nothing!  I never needed to live on my knees for anything, and I won't begin begging now!  For mercy or anything else!

Where did your drive, ability, and success come from James?
I know.  You gave them to me.  But what I did with them is all mine!  You didn’t make me successful! 

Now that the end is near, what do you want?
I have my will.  I always will.  I got where I am all by myself, and all I need I have in me!  All I will ever need is ME!   

I will never yield to You! 
Nor I to you.
Then we agree. 
We do.   

Let eternity be as you say.  Let your will be done forever.  I give you the opposite of Heaven and My Sanctuary:  I give you the sanctuary of Self.  Forever you will have no one, or no thing, but you.  Your imagination, without the Creator's or the creation's inspiration, is yours to do with what you will.  It is as you say, both now, and forever.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


No matter what spiritual gift we consider, whether they are the spectacular ones or less spectacular, the procedure for their use is inherent in the gift itself. Gifts of speech have a spiritual source, but the same mechanics. Like with the virgin birth, for example. Once the Holy Spirit “impregnated” Mary, she went through the same nine months that every woman goes through. A prophet receives inspiration within to share a revelation, but uses words according to the same rules of grammar he always uses. The healer receives healing power in her hands, and touches the one she heals. The extension of her hand to touch the sick is by the same muscles she uses to extend her hand to pass the salt across the table. In one instant, she has faith that she can reach and pass the salt shaker. In the other, she believes power from the Spirit is transmitted from her hands. When Jesus told a man with a maimed hand to “stretch out his hand," the act of stretching out his hand wasn’t supernatural. The word of the one who commanded, and the faith of the one who obeyed, had power to heal.


The essence of the last article leads right into the use spiritual gifts. It is this: The spiritual is practical, so the use of the gifts is practical. If gifts are transient and indefinite, then how can Paul and Peter consistently exhort believers to use the specific gifts they each distinctly have? In other words, Peter and Paul not only assume each believer has a specific gift, but that each believer KNOWS his or her gift AND how to use the gift! This has to be the case if the apostles are exhorting them to use their gifts according to their faith! So how do we use a spiritual gift? First, we look at the name or title of the gift, and then we focus on its function. The function determines the technical use of the gift. For example: If your spiritual gift is healing, how do you do it? You follow the example of Jesus or the apostles as far as their “regular” healing techniques. You primarily see Jesus commanding healing, or laying hands on the sick. So do what He did! If you believe in Jesus, have an undeniable desire to see people healed, and you can imagine and believe that you can perform healings, do so in the way Jesus or the apostles did it, according to what you believe you can do.

Monday, October 28, 2013

How to KNOW and USE Your SPIRITUAL GIFTS (Part 2)

Before we discuss using your spiritual gifts, we must discuss the essential nature of the gifts. Your spiritual gift is distinct and permanent, just as distinct and permanent as the different parts of your physical body. The scriptures make this comparison of physical body parts to the spiritual gifts in the church. This comparison goes against the notion that God gives us spiritual gifts “as the need arises.” A blind man may gain an intensified sense of hearing, but he doesn’t gain sight “as the need arises.” We go to a dentist when we have a toothache, not to a surgeon, because doctors cannot simply perform just any kind of medical procedure “as the need arises.” There are specialists who have specific specialties. So it is in the body. Yes, we can all take pain medications and do things to preserve health, but this doesn’t make us all doctors. All are not eyes, noses, or feet in the body, nor CAN body parts transform into other body parts. So if a gift is missing in your church, you should pray for a member with that gift, just as a blind person needs someone with sight to help her across the street.

How to KNOW and USE Your SPIRITUAL GIFTS (Part 1)

"That which is born of the flesh is flesh.  That which is born of the Spirit is spirit."  The Lord Jesus

You know your spiritual gifts in the same way you know your natural gifts.

You were born good at something.  You were born liking to do certain things.
How did you find out that you like and are good at those things?

I like and I’m good at dancing.  I remember the very day I found this out.  I heard music that moved me so deeply I had to move to it.  I saw dancers like Michael Jackson and MC Hammer and knew without doubt I could move like they move.

You’ve experienced the same with your talents. One day you were in a situation that pulled your abilities out of you, like Adam in the Garden of Eden.  God made Adam a Gardner.  He then put Adam in a garden.  That’s all God had to do.  All He had to do with me is let me hear music. All he had to do with you is put you where your soul came out.

Your natural gift was with you when you were born.

Your spiritual gift is with you when you are born again.

What do you like to do now that you are born again?  What are you good at?

Do you find yourself in situations where you meet spiritual needs almost without thinking about it, like when I moved to the music without thought?  That, at least, is your spiritual gift.  You know it the same way you know your natural talents.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


They were amazed at his teaching, because his words had authority.  Luke 4:32.

The word "Christian" means "Christ like."
Christ was amazing, astounding, and astonishing!
Therefore, those who are Christ like should amaze, astound, and astonish!

How so?

Two ways:
1.  Their testimony.
2.  Their prayers.

The last words of Jesus before He ascended were these:

You will receive (miraculous) power when the Spirit comes upon you.  And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world.  Acts 1:8

Power to be His witnesses is what Jesus promises.

Every believer, in simply telling who Jesus is and what He did for them, should amaze, astound, and astonish, by the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit who is in them, and empowering them to be witnesses of Jesus.

Not only this.

Jesus also said these words to His apostles:

"You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."  John 14:14

Believers, those who believe in Jesus' name, have direct access to God through faith in His name! 
They may ask anything in His name, that is, anything under His authority and for His glory, and Christ Himself will grant it to them!

I've experienced being a witness of Jesus, and praying in the name of Jesus, in such a way that was amazing, astounding and astonishing!

One day, when asked point blank in college, who Jesus is, I said simply:

"Jesus is God, and He died for my sins!"

And there was silence!  A holy hush! 
They were amazed, astounded, and astonished!

Once an atheist asked me to pray for him.
Another time a Buddhist asked me to pray for her.

I've never asked an atheist to pray for me, or a Buddhist for spiritual help of any kind.
Both assured me, EVEN AS THEY ASKED ME TO PRAY, that they "didn't believe in God."
But they both still asked me to pray or them.

Both expressed to me that they had been amazed, astounded, and astonished by situations they saw me come through.  Situations that they knew from my mouth could only be overcome through prayer.

Some Christians believe "miracles" and "healing" and "prophecy" still happens. 
Some don't.

But all believers know that we are supposed to be witnesses of Jesus, and to pray in His name!

Therefore, by doing at least these two things, we should be amazing, astounding, and astonishing.

Because the Lord we serve still amazes!
The Lord who lives is still astounding and astonishing!

Elijah's God and The Evil Day

"The god who answers by fire--he is God."  
1 Kings 18:24b

"Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."  Ephesians 6:13

If you follow the Lord Jesus, the day is coming.   
Or it has already come.   
Or it is already here.   

You know the day.   

Paul calls it “The Evil Day.”   

It is the day when fire will come from heaven at your word to expose the false gods of this world.   

The day you will take a stand.  
And having done all, you will stand.   

It’s inevitable.   
Good must triumph over evil.   
You were born to destroy evil.  A specific evil.  Your nemesis from birth.   
You know him.   
You’ve seen her.   

She has haunted you from your childhood.   
He hid under your bed.   
The recurring nightmare.   
The shadow standing at your bed that vanishes when you scream.   

The evil day is coming. Or has come.  Or is here as you read.  Stand.  You were born and reborn to stand today, on that day.  It is the day when those who don’t believe will say their god is god, or there is no God.   

Don’t argue.  Arguments lead no where unless the Spirit argues through you and for you, silencing sons and daughters of the devil.   

Offer a challenge.   
As Elijah did, you do.   
And know that the God who answers by fire—He is God!

Friday, October 25, 2013

3 Reasons To Expect the Spirit to Lead You Every Day

Number 1:  If you're a child of God, it is your identity and your destiny, as it is written:

As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the children of God.

Which leads to
Number 2:  It's normal for you.  Check this out:

In all the travels of the Israelites, whenever the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle, they would set out;  but if the cloud did not lift, they did not set out—until the day it lifted.  So the cloud of the Lord was over the tabernacle by day, and fire was in the cloud by night, in the sight of all the Israelites during all their travels.  Exodus 40:36-38

By day God dwelled in a powerful cloud, and by night a pillar of fire.
Day and night.
In all of their travels.
During all of their travels.
In the sight of all the Israelites.

They saw, knew, and expected to travel through life by the direct guidance of God Himself.

Finally, number 3:  It's a command.

Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh.

A child of God doesn't have the option of independence. He is to seek the Spirit's guidance moment by moment.  She is to follow the Spirit in all she thinks and does.  We are commanded to "acknowledge Him in ALL our ways, and He will direct our paths."

Not some of our ways, most of our ways, or the majority of our ways.

So what will you do from now on?
Will you follow the Spirit every day, every moment, or will you follow your own will?

How to Make an Undeniable Difference Wherever You Are

“Good, as it ripens, becomes continually more different not only from evil but from other good.”
― C.S. Lewis

By being undeniably different, you are making an undeniable difference, wherever you are, whatever you are doing.

It's simple.

You are the only you right here, right now.

You, alone, being you alone, taking up the time and space that only you can take, are changing the atmosphere as soon as you arrive.

Unless you're not.
That is, unless you're doing everything in your power to be like everybody else around you, doing what they do.

Think of it like this.

C.S. Lewis, when asked what a writer could do to develop a style, gave this answer:

"The way for a person to develop a style is (a) to know exactly what he wants to say, and (b) to be sure he is saying exactly that."

I'm following this as a writer and speaker, but I am also following it in everything I am and everything I do.

You should to.

Wherever you are, and in whatever you do, know exactly what you want to say (or do) and be sure you are saying and doing exactly that.  In doing so, you will stumble upon originality. 

You will say and do things that no one else in heaven, on earth, or in hell would ever consider doing.

You will be universally different, and thus make a universal difference.
You'll have significance with God, with me, and with everybody!

Make an undeniable difference by being undeniably different!
(Image from

Thursday, October 24, 2013

How to AVOID draining ARGUMENTS with the ones you love.

You know. You’ve done it. But you’ve forgotten it. Remember when you just knew you were going to argue, but for some reason, you didn’t? Three things happened: 1. You felt it coming: The crazy argument vibe. You know. The one where a useless argument is impending! 2. You decided, consciously or unconsciously, that you weren’t going to talk DURING THE CRAZY VIBE. 3. You said something like these simple words to the one shooting the crazy vibe: "I want to hear everything you’re feeling. Let’s wait and talk about it LATER." So....when is “later?” When you don’t feel the crazy vibe! You did it! You avoided staying up all night and getting absolutely no where except the 1st level of relationship hell! So: 1. Feel THE CRAZY VIBE from a far. 2. Decide NEVER to talk during that vibe. 3. Communicate this to THE CRAZY! (Or let someone communicate it TO YOU! IMAGINE THAT!!!...YOU’RE THE CRAZY!!!) What are you thinking? Is it this simple? If not, why not? If you agree, tell me, and share me. (COMMENT BELOW!)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How John Got Married by the End of the Year (And How YOU Can Too!) [Part 7]

So what do you do? You pray for an apartment. Then you go through “the process.” Cause and effect. Meeting landlords. Do you expect a landlord to come knocking on your door in the name of Jesus? Well in a way, that is what happens…via news paper ads or ads on line. Someone is announcing a need…FOR YOU!!!…the one who needs and wants an apartment. In the same way, there is someone looking to get married that is making the same kind of announcement through prayers and “ vibes.” She’s where you are, or on her way. He’s where you are, or about to arrive. The question is, will you respond to the vibes? Will you send out your own prayers and vibes? And will you go to where you are most likely to meet "the one?" Or do you think you’re the only one into the things you love most? Do you think you’re the only one who wants to be married by the end of this year (or next year, or whenever?) Pray to meet the one by a specific time! Go where you are most likely to meet the one! Do what you would normally do there! Whatever that is, if it's essential to who you are and what you want to share, the one will be there...or the one will come there!

How John Got Married by the End of the Year (And How YOU Can Too!) [Part 6]

Why not by the end of the year? Really? If you wanted a job or a car or an apartment by the end of the year, what would you do? You would first of all ASSUME that there is a vacant apartment that NEEDS a tenant! In fact, that there is a landlord practically begging for someone to rent her apartment. Probably more apartments than you can choose from. There is a landlord that wants this room rented BY THE END OF THE YEAR! Now of course, you don’t want to live in a roach infested shack! But the landlord knows this! He’s not trying to lose your money any more than you want to lose money. This doesn’t mean someone won’t cheat you. But it does mean that there are landlords that have a very nice place to rent you… a place that you would actually like a lot!

How John Got Married by the End of the Year (And How YOU Can Too!) [Part 5]

But if you DID expect to get married by the end of this day, week, month, or year, what would you do and how would you pray? Somehow, your prayer must include you meeting “the one,” or the one meeting you. And how is that most likely to happen? WHERE EVER YOU ARE! At your job. At your favorite hangout. Where ever you are, he or she has to get there. Somehow. Some way. Which means that he or she is either on the way to where you are, RIGHT NOW, or the one is ALREADY where you are, right now! It’s not like God has to create your spouse from the dust of the earth or from your rib! He exists! She exists! Right now! Looking for you. Waiting for you. But ONE of you has to make a move! Even with answered prayer, the answer is still getting you to "the one," or the one to you.

How John Got Married by the End of the Year (And How YOU Can Too!) [Part 4]

"But we don’t live in those kind of days John, where you can just take a man or woman to 'your tent' and 'know her' and then be married! It takes time." Does it really? Says who? And how long? Are you the only one on earth, or in your state, or in your city, who would desperately want to be married by the end of the year? Say you met “the one” today. What would stop you from getting married BY THE END OF THIS WEEK, let alone by the end of the year? What really? Money? Pre-marital counseling? Dating for a while to “get to know each other?” Fine and good. But aren’t all of those things decisions? And aren’t you acting on those decisions? Even praying based on those assumptions? What do you expect to happen if you don’t REALLY intend to get married ANY TIME SOON?

How John Got Married by the End of the Year (And How YOU Can Too!) [Part 3]

"Ok John. So are you PROMISING me that I’ll be married by December 31, 2013? Or when you say 'by the end of the year,' do you mean by the end of A YEAR, which really means a year from this day? AND, how can you make such a promise, if you are making either promise?" This is what I’m saying. God Himself looked at Adam and said, “It’s not good for the man to be alone. I’ll make a complimentary companion suitable for him.” God thought that. We have no record that Adam did, though he may have felt it and not known what he felt. The scriptures say that he who finds a wife finds a good thing and finds favor from the Lord. God’s favor! Finally, the Spirit inspired Paul to tell those who burned with passion to get married. Just like that. He made it sound like all they had to do was finish reading his letter then go find a wife or husband that day!

How John Got Married by the End of the Year (And How YOU Can Too!) [Part 2]

What am I really into, to the point that I want her to be into it to? Let’s say I love books. Not just any kind of books mind you. C.S. Lewis books. So much so that the man shapes who I am and who I’m going to be. So much so that I can’t imagine being with a woman who doesn’t share my passion. Where is this woman? Wherever I am! And where am I? In the book store: C.S. Lewis section! Do you see where I’m going!? You should! So I pray: God, send her here, or send me to the book store she goes to. Because one way or another, we have to meet. One way, or another, she’s going to be where I am. And where am I going to be? Where I love to be! If I want her to love what I love, then she’ll be there too….looking for me!

How John Got Married by the End of the Year (And How YOU Can Too!) [Part 1]

I found my wife when I decided I couldn’t wait any longer! I wouldn’t wait! I’d been praying and fasting and whatever we’re supposed to do to find favor with God. Then it hit me--We have to meet! That’s just cause and effect! Either I have to be where she is, or she has to come where I am. Bam! It’s really that simple. Now where am I going to find my wife? WHERE EVER I AM! She’s here! She’s got to be. Or I’ll go where ever she is. But when I get there, wherever she is, when I’m “there”--she’ll be “here!” Where I am. Now where would I most likely meet her? I'll ask it another way....

When We Have Demonic Dreams...

Have you ever felt yourself falling into such a deep sleep that it scared you? That you resisted it? It felt like death and dying. Or have you had a dream where you feel something crushing the inside of your head, your spiritual head? You try to scream, but your mouth feels glued shut. Nothing seems to work..except saying one word: JESUS!! What about a dream where everything seems “normal,” but the whole thing feels wrong? You can’t put your finger on it. But something bad is going to happen before the end, yet you haven’t formed this thought completely. It’s just a feeling. Until the point in the dream when the person who was walking behind you changes. They're still the same person, but at the same time another entity! Then you know: "This is the devil! I’m in a nightmare! I have to wake up!" But you can’t. In fact, the person behind you assures you that you can’t escape! And you believe him. You fear her. You try to scream. But can’t. Only one word works: Jesus!!! "THAT NAME HAS NO POWER HERE!" The demon shrieks. But for some reason, you don’t believe him. Again, you scream, "JESUS!" You wake up.

How to Follow the Holy Spirit TODAY! (CONCLUSION)

Some still are not convinced. "Conscience and intuition are one thing. But God actually speaking!? That's going too far! God doesn't still actually speak to people today like He did in the Bible!" If not, then does He communicate at all?! Even through conscience and intuition? Does He really communicate through the Bible to us today? If God communicates, how does He do it? Answered prayer? How do we know? If I hadn't prayed for the job, would I have gotten it anyway? Do you see the problems? Either God communicates in such a way that it's clearly Him, no matter what mode of communication, or He doesn't. By being God, His communication must be supremely unique. We're made in His image and likeness. How do we primarily communicate, assuming everything is as it should be? WORDS! We talk to each other. We listen to each other. Communication assumes words for us, even when we experience conscience or intution. The spiritual feelings we have translate into words--Go or stay. Speak or remain silent. Somehow, we simply and clearly know from the Spirit what she should or should not do. If you're not convinced God speaks, you will be...that is, if you continue to practice faithfulness to your conscience. I'll tell you what. Just focus on conscience. Or intuition if you've moved to that level of relationship with the Spirit. I guarantee you if you continue, you will hear the voice of God, just as surely as babies come to know the voice of their parents. It's just a part of growing us spiritually. It's an inevitability!

How to Follow the Holy Spirit TODAY! (Part 3)

If you are faithful to your conscience, and you always heed your intuition, you will experience God conversation. He will talk to you if you listen. What will his voice sound like? It will sound like the voice of conscience and intuition! Remember babies and their parents. Dad and mom talk to their child from the day he is born. From her birth she is talked to as if she understood. Slowly the baby heeds words. Stop! Mama! Papa! At first the words are few and simple. Then sentences. Then paragraphs. Then conversations. But it all starts with dad keeping the baby from hurting himself. (Conscience.) Then as baby grows mom gives him simple commands and instructions. (Intuition) Finally, babies know daddy and mommy. They can talk freely, if the babies will listen. (Conversation) This is how it is spiritually. But how can we listen to God, whose voice is spiritual, if we can’t listen to each other’s voices in the physical? The best way I can think of to practice listening to God, beyond listening to conscience and intuition, is to listen to other humans! Really hear them! After all, they are made in God’s image and likeness. Be faithful to conscience, intuition, and listening to humans! If you do these three things, you will hear God speak to you. God will speak, if you will listen. (Practice these...until I write the conclusion!)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How To Follow the Holy Spirit TODAY! (Part 2)

"The first step towards sanctification is to be faithful to your conscience."  Watchman Nee

It starts with conscience.  Like with children.  In the beginning I'm mainly stopping my babies from doing things, and allowing them to do things that don't harm them.  A simple yes or no, red light or green light kind of existence for them.  Make no mistake, I'm actually talking to my babies from the time the exit the womb.  But they can't understand me in the beginning, though I've been talking to them from the beginning.

This is how it is in following the Spirit.

God has been talking to you from the time He made you.
In fact, as Jesus said, you don't live be food alone, but by every word that comes out of God's mouth.

If God stops speaking to you, you will die.
Yet in the beginning, it's your conscience through which God clearly speaks, as C.S. Lewis says.

If you listen, the voice of conscience will get louder and louder, leading to the second way the Spirit leads you: 

Direct, specific, revelation.

Or in a word:  INTUITION.

As it is written,
As many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the children of God.

If you trust in Jesus completely, you are a child of God.
So following the Spirit defines who you are.
Because you were born of the Spirit, you are led by the Spirit.

It is your birthright.

Conscience faithfulness leads to more specific revelations.
You don't just receive a "yes or no," or a "red light green light" in terms of decisions.
You start to "just know" where to go and what to do, assuming you want the Spirit to lead you.

You start to find that when you are faithful to your conscience, things go exceptionally well and you have no regrets.

You begin to no longer trust yourself, as God has said,

"Trust in the LORD with all of your heart, and lean not to your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths."

The difference between conscience and intuition is this:
  • Conscience is an internal nudge deep within which urges you to act in agreement with God's will, or to refrain from acting against God's will.
  • Intuition is a specific revelation of what God's will is.
In other words, with conscience, in the immature spiritual state, you're acting "on your own," like babies do.  God either lets you act (if what you're doing isn't against His will), or He hinders you from acting.  You feel peace if the direction you're going in is "ok" with God.  You don't feel peace if God isn't ok.  The more you submit to this, the less you trust yourself, or lead yourself, and the more God can trust you with deeper revelations.

When this happens, and you are no longer acting independently like strong willed babies, when you actively ask and seek God's will, and not your own, you will know intuitively and with certainly the very next specific step God wants you to take.

Where are you right now?
Are you still learning to be faithful to your conscience?
If so, continue to do so, and you will grow.

If you're starting to "just know" that God wants you to do something very specific, take the risk and do it.  If you feel peace, and the result will clearly bring about the knowledge and likeness of God, and you know with CERTAINTY what God wants, then act. 

God is light.
His leading is clear.
If you feel unclear, IT IS NOT GOD!

(Keep practicing. Until part 3!)

Monday, October 21, 2013

How to Follow the Holy Spirit TODAY! (Part 1)

If you believe in Jesus as your Savior, and follow Him as your Lord, His Spirit lives inside of you right now.

What if by the end of this blog you know exactly how to follow the Spirit?

What difference would that make in your life?

According to the word of God, following the Spirit is life and peace!

That's the difference it will make!

Let's begin that difference right now!

Let me tell you how to follow the Holy Spirit!

The first way the Spirit speaks to you and through you  is by your conscience.

As it is written,

With Christ as my witness, I speak with utter truthfulness. My conscience and the Holy Spirit confirm it.  Romans 9:11 NLT

When you make a decision, whatever the action, you may have the Spirit's confirmation. 

This is how the Spirit is leading you.

Think of right now.

Think of a decision you made, you are making, or that you will make?

What is your conscience saying to you about your decision?

Have you ever faced a decision that made perfect sense logically, it felt good emotionally, and you could choose it easily, but it just didn't "sit well" with you? That was your conscience, being confirmed by the Holy Spirit.  If you decided to act in spite of your conscience, you regretted it.

Have you ever faced a decision that was illogical, scary emotionally, and hard to choose, but somehow, though you couldn't explain it, you just knew you should do it?  That again was the Spirit's confirmation.  When you took action with your conscience, against all evidence contrary, you surprisingly found success

This is how the Spirit has tried to lead you in the past.
This is how He is trying to lead you right now.
This is how He will lead you in the future.

Peace to you as you follow Him.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Our enemy (Conclusion: Your Destiny Against The Enemy!)

You have the same purpose as the Lord Jesus:   

The works of the devil are these:  LIES.

Take no part in them.

Not only this.

You have a specific lie to expose.
You are a specific truth that exposes a specific lie.

For example:

I am Olatunde:  Honor comes again.
I expose the lie of dishonor, as it is written,

“They exchanged the truth for the lie and worshiped creatures instead of The Creator.”

I expose irreverence.

By the reverence of God’s presence, I destroy irreverence.
Honor comes again to the image of God in man.
For this cause I was born again.

  • What about you?
  • Why did Jesus die for you?
  • Why did He rise for you?
  • Why did He ascend for you?
  • What were you remade to do?

Whatever it is, it destroys a specific work of the devil.

I once read that the answers to these two questions are the answer to your identity and destiny:

  1. What do you love the most?
  2. What do you hate the most?

Whatever you love most, you embody.
Whatever you hate most is the work of the devil you were remade to destroy.

Our Enemy (Part 3)

The devil is trying to kill you.   
Especially if you follow the Lord.

It is written,

Be self controlled, be watchful.  Your adversary, the devil, walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Let’s dissect the word of God:

  1. Satan is your adversary.  Your enemy.  This is his name.  This is who he is.
  2. Satan is compared to a lion.  A predator is never PASSIVE! 
  3. Satan is looking for you.    
YOU!  The one reading these words.

How are you supposed to act right now if you believe these words are from God?

I’ll tell you.

At this moment, as I write, I’m an officer.
Officers where I am are on alert.   
(Or as the word of God says, we are being self controlled and watchful.)


The Police Department received information stating that a man is on the loose is who is deliberately looking for officers to kidnap and torture.

Do you see?

An enemy is looking for US!
But we are also looking for HIM!

We aren’t just passively sitting around, scared.

He made himself our enemy!
So we’ve made ourselves his enemy!

An enemy is also looking for you.
Look for him too.