Tuesday, December 31, 2013


What is God's tone of voice?  What does God's voice sound like?

  • Once you know His tone of voice, You know His voice once and for all.
  • Just like the voices of your father, or mother, or lover, or best friend.

A boy named Samuel heard God calling him and thought it was his mentor Eli.

Twice God called Samuel.
Twice Eli told Samuel it wasn't Eli.

Then Eli perceived that Samuel was hearing God.

So Eli told Samuel what to say:  "Speak LORD, your servant is listening."
God spoke to Samuel a third time, and from that point on Samuel knew God's voice.

  • What if by the end of these blogs you could know God's tone of voice?
  • What difference would it make in 2014 if you knew the voice of God?

You can.
It is written,

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 
Hebrews 4:12

God's tone of voice has three characteristics:
1. It's alive.
2. It's active.
3. It's penetrating.
This is how God's voice sounds.
When you hear God speaking to you, it will be energizing and activating.  You will feel more alive and active than you've ever felt, because Life Himself will be speaking to you.  If you feel dead or passive when hearing any spirit, it is not The Spirit of God.  This is crucial.  In séances and other demonic supposedly spiritual experiences, the condition is passivity, like in hypnotism.  Mind altering drugs and situations seek to put you in a comatose state in the name of entering the spiritual. This is the devil.  God's voice will not render your mind or will passive.  His voice will energize and activate your mind and conscious free choice. 
God's voice is also supremely penetrating. 
Find out how.
Read part 2.


God's voice is alive, active, and penetrating.

It is distinguishing.
It is clarifying.

--When you hear God's voice, you won't mistake Him for you. 
(Dividing soul and spirit, self consciousness and God consciousness.)
--When you hear God's voice, you'll distrust your abilities and trust his abilities.
(Dividing joint and marrow, the core of your mobility.)
--When you hear God's voice, you will feel liberatingly naked, as it is written,

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.  Hebrews 4:13

(Your real thoughts and intentions of the heart will be revealed.)

If the voice is unclear, it is not the voice of God!
If the voice is ambiguous, it is not the voice of God!
You now know God's tone of voice:  how He sounds.
Now know what kinds of things He says.
Now know the character of God.
  • When God speaks by His Spirit, He will focus you on Christ the Lord.
  • When God speaks by His Spirit, He will be true to all of His promises, as it is written,

God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’
“This is my name forever,
the name you shall call me
from generation to generation.
Exodus 3:15
He is who He is.
He is who He was.
He is who He will be.
  • God's tone of voice is alive, active, and penetrating.
  • God's character is trustworthy, honoring Jesus, honoring His promises.
You can know the voice of God.
You can follow His voice for the rest of your life.
Starting now.
Starting this year.
Starting tonight.

The Husband, The Bride, and The Red Dragon


"You are My Beloved Son.  I am very pleased with You!"

This is how the destiny of  The Husband began.
He heard His Father's voice.
He received His Father's Spirit.

The Husband followed the Spirit to a desert to meet The Red Dragon, murderer of the first husband and the first woman.

The Husband denied Himself food; the first husband fell because of food.

"The Son of God possesses the power to satisfy His own hunger.  If You are The Son of God, use Your own power to fulfill Your own hunger.  Turn those rocks over there into bread."

The Husband said to the dragon, "The sons and daughters of God have one supreme hunger, only one thing that keeps them alive, the voice of God, as it is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"

The Husband listened to God's voice and ignored the dragon's voice.
In doing this, He overcame the enemy of The Bride.
He became her hero.
For her, He was born to die.
For her He rose again so that again she may listen.
So that the new men and women would listen to God's voice, which is their life.
So they would live...

The Man, The Woman, And The Serpent

He listened to her.
She listened to it.
Neither listened to God.

This is the source of all of our problems:
Ignoring the voice of God.
This is the solution to all of our problems: 
Listening to the voice of God.
But the serpent said to the woman, 

"Did God really say not to eat from the trees in the garden?"


The serpent was the first to put doubt in our ears about the voice of God.

Does God really say...anything?

If so, can we trust what He supposedly says?

There are so many interpretations and translations and denominations, right?

Does God really say that homosexuality is sin?
Does God really say that abortion is sin?
Did God really say that division is sin?

Who can know the voice of God, today?

This is what Jesus says,

"For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world:
To bear witness to the truth.
All who are of the truth hear my voice."

Monday, December 30, 2013

God and Yusef's Accident (Another True Story)

Yusef laughed and joked and talked, not seeing the car coming towards me;  the car hit us on my side, totaling Yusef's car.

I sat at the table in my apartment.  Yusef sat on my couch, looking off in silence.

"God, how can I encourage Yusef?"

"Take him to the neighborhood you like to go to with the big beautiful houses.  Take him at night, playing jazz music."

This didn't seem like something Yusef would like at all, let alone something that would encourage him.  He seemed like a tough guy kind of guy. 

I felt a choice in me.  Perfect freedom and liberty:
Listen to the Spirit.  Ignore the Spirit.

I listened.

Night came.  I took Yusef for a drive, in the neighborhood with big beautiful houses that I liked, listening to jazz.

"Why are you doing this?" Yusef asked.

"No reason," I responded, embarrassed.

"I used to do this all the time!  I used to go driving at night in neighborhoods with big houses, listening to jazz.  But I never thought anyone would want to do that with me."

"The Spirit told me to do it."

We continued to drive and talk.

I felt honored by God, who revealed these secrets to me:
  • He was with Yusef all those nights when Yusef drove.
  • He was with Yusef during the accident. 
  • He was with Yusef right now.
If I hadn't listened to the Spirit, I wouldn't have received this honor.
I wouldn't have encouraged my brother.
I wouldn't have come to know the beautiful presence of God.
In Yusef's life.
And in mine.

God and Cari's Pennies (A True Story)

My worst imagination happened:  Cari left me.  All I had were her basket of pennies.  I don't know how many.  It was a small basket.

One night, as I sat alone in what used to be our apartment, the Spirit said to me, "Take Cari's pennies and go to the movies."  I really didn't want to do this.   I was at the lowest point of my life, and I didn't want to use pennies for movies.  But The Spirit insisted.

So I got into what used to be our red Jetta and drove to the nearest theater...which was shut down. A condemned building.  What now?  "Wait here until I tell you to go," The Spirit said. So I waited...and waited..."Now Go."  I went.

Then it happened.

As soon as I pulled up into the parking space of the Avondale Dollar Theatre, Pastor Sands pulled up right in front of me.  He came to me and told me how I was hurting him.  I was leaving his church, and he felt deeply hurt.  I told him not to feel hurt, or that I was leaving him.  We were both following the Spirit, and I was following Him in a different direction.  I don't know if my pastor understood, but his quiet wife lightly touched my hand as they walked away.  I didn't know that would be the last time I saw her.  She passed away some time after.

I went to the ticket window and took out Cari's pennies. "Just go in," the movie employee told me.  So I went to the movie for free.

I go to buy snacks.  I pick what I want, not paying attention to the cost at all.  The cashier rings up the price of my snacks.  I hadn't counted Cari's pennies at all.  I gave the cashier the pennies, letting her count them.  When she finished counting, it was the exact amount needed to pay for my snacks.

My worst imagination happened:  Cari left me.  But her pennies showed me that God was with me, and that meeting her, somehow, was my destiny. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Why You Aren't Close to God

I sat in the airport and thought about Jesus.  "Why were Peter, James, and John in Jesus’ inner circle?  What did they do that the other 9 didn’t?"  So I searched the scriptures to find out.  I looked in the letters of Peter and John, where both talk about seeing Christ in His glory with their own physical eyes.  I then went to the letter of James, not realizing at the time that this letter wasn’t written by John’s brother who was one of the 12, but by Jesus’ brother, who disbelieved in Jesus during his life.  I found this verse:

“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.”
Then Christ’s Spirit said to me, “You can be as close to Me as you want to be.”

I realized that the other 9 apostles DIDN’T WANT TO BE AS CLOSE TO JESUS AS PETER, JAMES, AND JOHN!
  • Peter was the only one who walked on water with Jesus, the one to whom the Father revealed Jesus as the Christ.
  • James and John wanted to sit on Jesus’ right hand in the coming kingdom.
  • These three sought closeness to Jesus that the others did not.
  • They were as close to Jesus as they wanted to be.
So are you.

If you are not close to God, it is your fault, and yours alone. 
But if you want to  be close to God, starting right now, you and God may be one!
  1. Give your life  to His Son.
  2. Give your body to the Spirit of His Son.
Say it:

"God, I give my life to your Son, and my body to the Spirit of Your Son.  From now on, we are one."
Now you are as close to God as you can be, as close to God as you want to be.
(Image at the top from www.marcelopires.org )


How to know God is with you Today! (Part 1)

A drug dealer planted cocaine in my van; I got arrested for a crime I didn’t commit, and put in the jail that I worked in as a corrections officer. September 24, 2010. My court date was October 12, 2010. My friends said, “Get a lawyer! This is your life!” But I couldn’t afford a lawyer, and dreaded the process, which could imprison me for years before trial. So I prayed, “God, completely deliver me by October 6, 2012.” On October 6, 2012, I received a letter from the State Attorney: “All charges are dropped against you. Reason: Not guilty.”

In the Bible, Joseph was also imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit. But the jailer knew God was with Joseph. How? Joseph succeeded in everything he did. This is how you know God is with you! Imagine. What if someone you knew succeeded in EVERYTHING he did on his job? What would you believe about her? You’d feel awe because you know only God, or a god, or a goddess has perfect success. But there is no god or goddess! So a person who always succeeds can only do so if God is with him, because God alone always succeeds. (READ PART 2.  CLICK HERE)

How to know God is with you Today! (Part 2)

How can you God with you today? Listen to God: “If we ask anything according to God’s will, He hears us. If we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we’ve received the petition we’ve asked of Him.” Pray specifically today according to God’s will. What is God’s will for YOU? Love God supremely. Love people impartially. If your prayer agrees with this, pray specifically for whatever you want. It is written, “Acknowledge God in all of your ways, and He will direct your paths.” Experience God with you today through Him answering your specific prayer. “But what if I don’t get what I ask for?”

It is written, “Don’t worry about anything. Pray about everything. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.” When you pray according to God’s will for a specific thing, you should expect perfect incomprehensible peace, and whatever you prayed for. Or perfect incomprehensible peace, even if you don’t get what you prayed for. After all, you wanted God’s will, right?

So if He doesn’t grant the thing, but grants perfect peace, then you’ll know He heard you in love, but refused that which isn’t perfectly good for you. If you don’t get what you ask for, and you don’t get peace either, then you are praying in conflict with God’s will, or Satan is attacking you. Submit to God, resist the devil and Satan will flee. You’ll then feel perfect peace, whether you get what you ask for or not. And by this perfect peace, you will know that God is with you.

Monday, December 23, 2013


What does it mean to be a “real Christian?”  Going to church?  Believing in Jesus?  Living in America?  First we must know what it means to be a Christian at all!   What does the word “Christian” actually mean?
The word “Christian” means “Christ like.”
So real Christians are really like Christ.
If anyone is like Christ, or one with Christ, he or she is a “new creation,” according to God’s word. 
But what does THIS mean? 
To be new in God’s eyes doesn’t just mean the opposite of old, but constantly new!  Eternal.  Immortal.  It means the new creation constantly surprises, is ever growing, and ever changing. 
Surprises attract attention.  So do new creations.  So do real Christians. 
Yet how do real Christians attract and KEEP attention BETTER THAN ANYONE ? 
To understand this, we must understand being born of the Spirit!
Jesus said real Christians, or God’s children, are Spirit born, or Wind Born. 
Being born of the wind, they are like the wind: 
Unpredictable.  Uncontrollable.  Unknowable. 
As it is written, “No one knows the thoughts of a person except the spirit of the person.  And no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.”  When there are “gaps in our knowledge,” there is curiosity.  Intrigue.  Interest.  Sustained attention.  This is how it is with real Christians.
Surprise gets attention.  Interest keeps attention.  No one ever was, is, or ever will be more surprising and interesting than Jesus Christ.  Real Christians are really like Christ.  So real Christians attract and keep attention better than anyone!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

How To Raise Godly Children (Part 4)

When you know your goal, you know how to raise godly children.

Your goal is gentle self control; model self discipline before you discipline your children.

Before discipline, ask this question:

Can I correct my child right now with gentle self-control?
If not, then wait until you can achieve the goal.

Yet understand this:
Of course you know these posts don't tell you EVERYTHING about how to raise godly children!

In fact, I'm not even saying that I've told you THE MOST IMPORTANT THING about how to raise godly children.

I can say this:  Discipline is the foundation of a parent's job description.

It is the foundation, but not the supreme motivation.

Love is the supreme motivation, as it is written: 

"Love never fails."

And as it is written again, "Love covers a multitude of sins."

  • In other words, if you feel you've ever failed as a parent, today by love you may cover those failures.
  • By love, if you can do nothing else, you can always succeed as a father or mother.

Hear the words of a fictional and factual father--from the father of Superman, and from my own father:

"You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father. And the father, the son."  Jor-El to Kal-El, from the movie "Superman Returns."

"Your children will love what you love and hate what you hate."  Edward Howard, my father, told to me on Father's Day.

In the first three blogs I focused you on self-discipline as the foundation of discipline for your children; for you to model self-discipline.  The reason is your ultimate motivation in discipline:  IMITATION.

If you take nothing else from these blogs, understand this: 
Your children come from you, and are becoming you.

  • If you love them, you will not fail. 
  • Whatever you really love, they will also love.
  • Whatever you are, they will become, or resist becoming for the rest of their lives.

I hope to write an eBook that deals in detail with raising godly children.
Until then, start with you; start now.
Love them, and model to them what to love.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

How to Raise Godly Children (Part 3)

So how do you do it?
1.       “BE QUIET!”  Yes.  You!  Stop talking.  Don’t say anything for a set duration before discipline, as it is written, “Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger, because the anger of man does not result in the righteousness of God.”  James 1:19-20  It doesn’t say “Don’t get angry.”  But be slow to anger.  The Bible doesn’t say, “Don’t express anger,” but instead it says, “Be angry, but do not sin.” Ephesians 4:26  The best way to do this is to set a specific limit on your mouth before you speak. Like the whole “count to 10,” thing.  For you, you may need to count to 5, if that’s the longest.  But this counting and waiting will make a difference.  But before you can be quiet you must…

2.       PRACTICE BEFORE THE SITUATION HAPPENS!  As it is also written, “He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous.” 1 John 3:7  Your brain, according to “research” doesn’t know the difference between a real situation and imagined one!  This is why you can make yourself angry RIGHT NOW if you wanted to just by imagining something or someone that makes you angry!  Or you can cry.  Or you can arouse yourself in whatever way you want.  The same is true for self-discipline.  The best way to practice this quietness is to imagine past scenarios where you wished you had been quiet!  Reimagine them, but in your mind be quiet.  After practicing quietness, practice a rehearsed response.  You know how to do that!  You’ve rehearsed arguments enough to know what I mean!  Instead of rehearsing an argument, or angry words, rehearse gentle words.  Rehearse gentle self-control.

Alright.  Those two things are for your self-discipline.  EMBRACE THE PAIN OF THIS PRACTICE BEFORE SITUATIONS HAPPEN. 

Now for your children.
You and your wife or husband MUST AGREE on how to discipline!  MUST!  If you’re fighting in front of the children about how to discipline them, how effective is that going to be?  Or if they know one of you is for spanking and the other is against it, what do you think they are going to do.


You know the primary principles of discipline:
1.       To God discipline of children is an assumption.
2.       Constructive pain is an assumption of discipline.
3.       Practice self-discipline before you discipline your children.

If you spank,
1.       Achieve the goal of gentle self control BEFORE you spank.  If you are not in control, DON’T DO IT.  It would be better to let them get away with it than to spank the wrong way.
2.       Set a limit of licks BEFORE you give them, and let the licks be on their bottom only.
3.       Be sure you’ve given them a clear command and a clear warning before a spanking.
4.       After the spanking, hug them, forgive them, and forget it.  This models love and reconciliation.

If you don’t spank and do time outs:
1.       Achieve gentle self-control before the time out!  Some assume time outs are inherently gentle.  This is not necessarily the case because it will be a physical war in the beginning, A WAR YOU MUST WIN.  Remember, the goal is self-control, first your own, then their own.  In other words, you control them until they learn to control themselves.  THIS IS FOR THEIR OWN GOOD!  They must know that when you say, “Stop,” they must physically stop themselves, or you will physically stop them.  If your son is about to run into the street and get hit by a car, this command must be obeyed, or you must stop him yourself!  Their lives literally depend on your discipline.
2.       Be resolved to see it through.  When you start times outs, again, it will be a war.  Determine that no matter how long it takes, the boy will sit in the time out chair.  The girl will not get up until the time is up. 
3.       Be sure you’ve given a clear command and a clear warning before the time out.
4.       After the time out, hug them, forgive them, and forget it.

Which ever discipline you choose,  as the Bible says, it must not be “pleasant at the time, but painful, later on producing a harvest of righteousness and peace.”

You must first be self-disciplined before you discipline your children.
Your first goal is gentle self control.  You achieve this goal by your words.

Start with you.
Start now.


How to Raise Godly Children (Part 2)

“Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children.  For what children are not disciplined by their father?  If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate children at all.”  Hebrews 12:7-8

To God, the discipline of children is an assumption.  A given.  As it is written,

“He who spares the rod hates his son; but he who loves his son disciplines him promptly.” Proverbs 13:24

Some make the rod in scripture a symbol.  So be it.  What does it symbolize?  Whatever it symbolizes, the reality should match it.  That’s the nature of the relationship between the symbol and the reality.

I’m not trying to persuade you to spank or stop spanking.  I’m giving you this realization:

To God the discipline of children is an assumption; and the nature of discipline is an assumption, as it is written:

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”   
Hebrews 12:11.

Whether you spank or sit your child in the time out chair, discipline must happen as an assumption.  And it must be painful at the time.  Constructively painful.  “Tough love.”   

Even Super Nanny and Doctor Phil know that!

And I can tell you as a Corrections Officer that either you will do it or a Corrections Officer will!  Either you put your son in time out, or we will put him in time out, which we call “lock down,” while they are literally strapped in to a restraint chair!  Literally.  Forced time out!

Either you “spank” your daughter now, or we will pepper spray her later, which is much worse than any spanking, I can tell you that!  How do I know?  Because in my academy I WAS PEPPER SPRAYED!  Don’t miss what I just said!  Before I could administer pepper spray, I WAS PEPPER SPRAYED MYSELF!  And before you discipline your children, you must be SELF DISCIPLINED.   

Before you deliver the necessary pain of discipline to your children, you must embrace the pain of your own self discipline!  (click here for part 3!)

How to Raise Godly Children (Part 1)

In raising godly children, your goal is gentle self-control; 
to achieve this goal, focus on your words.

As it is written,

  • “Fathers do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.”
  • “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
  • “If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to control his whole body.”

 Connect these verses to gentle self-control:

  1. Parents (specifically fathers) should not provoke anger in their children.
  2. Harsh words provoke anger.
  3. Therefore, parents should model gentle self-discipline before they can discipline their children.

Start with yourself.

Start with your words.

First, let’s look at the difference between sternness and harshness.  After all, sometimes parents must speak sternly, but they should never speak harshly.

Those two words an be spoken sternly or harshly, necessarily or unnecessarily.

I’m home with my seven children.  The noise level is rising steadily, and I believe I hear my 10 month old in the kitchen, about to close his fingers in the cabinet.  I say loudly and sternly:


My children stop.  I get my 10 month old.  I tell them to start playing again.
I’m home with my seven children.  The noise level rises, and rises, and rises.  But I’m distracted because I’m writing a blog on “How to Raise Godly Children!”  They are now yelling at the top of their lungs and the 10 month old is throwing a tantrum.  I can’t take it anymore!  I yell as loud as I can:


  1. Sternness is proactive, for the good and peace of the house.
  2. Harshness is reactive, for the good and peace OF ME!

Notice how proactive sternness implies self-control, while reactive harshness implies a loss of control.

Gentle self-control is the first goal; we achieve this goal through our words.  We must practice and model self-discipline before we discipline our children.   

But we MUST discipline our children.  Read part 2 to find out how.  CLICK HERE.