Thursday, March 27, 2014

Two Tips for Being Led By The Spirit (Part 2)

The Apostle Paul also said that "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."  The Holy Spirit is not a demon, so He doesn't "possess" people.  He doesn't make you do anything by force, coercision, manipulation, or domination.  You will have time to think and choose freely to be led by Him, or to refuse His leading.  You will be able to follow the peace of God, or to refuse to follow it.

Understand this.  Sometimes the peace of God will agree with "the perfect job scenario."  Sometimes it won't.  In other words, sometimes things will "make sense," and you will feel the peace of God.  The issue is not whether things make sense logically or not, but the perfect incomprehensible peace of God and the freedom to choose or refuse this peace as His guidance.

If you feel forced to decide, its not the Spirit of God leading you.
Even if the Spirit is urging you to act in a kind of emergency situation, you will still have strong sense of freedom and the incomprehensible peace God. 

In a word:  CERTAINTY.

If you feel uncertain as to whether the Spirit is leading, it's not the Spirit.

I'll say it again.

Whenever and however the Spirit of Jesus Christ leads you, YOU WILL BE CERTAIN IT IS HIM.

By peace and self-control, you can know without doubt the Spirit is leading you.

Of course, the Spirit will never contradict the Bible.  But we're talking about scenarios that aren't spelled out in the Bible, like which job to take. 
And of course, because self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, God doesn't need to lead you to brush your teeth or comb your hair.  There are some things you already know to do and have a responsibility to do.  You know to love God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself.  But how to love your specific neighbor is where the Spirit will lead you through peace and self-control.  How to love God with all your heart in your specific life will require the guidance of His Spirit.
Now you know.
Now you can tell if the Spirit is leading you.
  • What is the Spirit leading you to do right now?
  • Where do you sense the perfect incomprehensible peace of God that you are free to choose or refuse?
Right now, seek the Spirit's leading. 
Read the prayer below, and if you agree, pray it with me:
"Our Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus, lead me by your Spirit right now."
Whatever the Spirit leads you to do, it will be with certainty.  You will be free.  You will feel perfect peace.  Do it without hesitation, and your faith will grow.  You will grow in knowing how it feels to be led by the Spirit. God bless you as you follow Him, step by step, moment my moment, today and everyday of your life, until Jesus returns. Amen.

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