Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Power of Your Words (Part 1)

I read one blog that gave me nightmares about ebola.  I heard one reporter that gave me hope about ebola.  One wrote, the other spoke.  Both used words.  One used her blog as an instrument of hopelessness.  The other used his news report as an instrument of hope. 

What about you?  What have you said today?

I'm thinking about how I felt after reading her blog. 
Fear.  Helplessness.  Hopelessness.
I'm thinking about how I felt after hearing his report. 
Courage.  Power.  Hope.
I'm thinking about how my words are making you feel right now as you read them.
What do I want you to feel?

I want you to feel the power of your own words and how they have energy to hurt or heal.  You know how words feel.  You know the difference between good news and bad news.  One minute your life is as it always is; the next minute the wind is knocked out of you, all because of a phone call, text message, a blog, or a news report. 

Have your words knocked the wind out of someone, or have your words been a breath of fresh air in a suffocating world of fear and falsehood?

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." 
Proverbs 18:21 NIV

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