You can't be spiritual without a Spirit focused mind.
The Spirit's desires must be your own.
Your mindset must be a Spirit led mindset.
This is my favorite definition of mindset:
A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and interpretations of situations.
Apply this to a spiritual mindset, or a Spirit led mindset:
Spiritual mindset is a fixed mental disposition that predetermines
a spiritual interpretation and response to situations.
It means when you have an encounter in any situation, you allow the Spirit to interpret the situation, and in that situation, you respond in obedience to the Spirit.
This is how to be a spiritual person: Have a spiritual mindset.
Have a fixed mental focus that predetermines
(before any situation) a spiritual interpretation and response to that situation.
Here is an illustration.
I have a friend named Yusef who is discouraged. I want to encourage him but I don't know how. So, having a fixed spiritual focus, I ask the Spirit to interpret Yusef's discouragement, and to tell me how to respond to his discouragement. The Spirit tells me to take Yusef on a drive at night, in a neighborhood with big beautiful houses. while listening to jazz music. I hesitate because I don't think Yusef will like doing this. I have a choice: Follow the Spirit, or follow my reasoning. I choose to follow the Spirit, and I take Yusef on the drive as the Spirit led me to do. Yusef asks, "Why are you doing this?" Afraid, I say, "No reason." Yusef says, "I used to do this all the time by myself: I used to go driving at night in neighborhoods with big houses listening to jazz. But I never thought anyone would want to do this with me." I told Yusef that the Spirit led me to do this.
You can experience the Spirit's leading in your life just like I did. You can be a spiritual person.
Practice having a spiritual mindset for an hour, and let me know how it went in the comments.
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