Monday, January 26, 2015

What is the essence of sin? (Part 2)

"Who cares where I am if I am still the same, and why should I be any different just because He was made greater by force?  Here (in hell) we will be free at least:  God didn’t build this place for Himself, He won’t make us leave:  Here we shall rule undisturbed, and in my opinion, to rule is something worth wanting, even in Hell:  It is better to rule in Hell than to be a servant in Heaven."  Satan to the demons, from Milton’s Paradise Lost
Hell is attractive to those in rebellion against heaven.  Those who rebel against the real feel at home when God is no longer around.  The want Him to leave them alone.  He will.  Forever.  In the hell of their minds.  If they so choose.  But enough about “them.”  What about “us?” What about me?  What about you?  It starts with our minds.
My mind and yours is the place where we accept the Lordship of God our Creator, Jesus our Savior, and the Spirit our Master. We welcome His rule and reign over our minds and wills.  We see reality as His, and feel honored to exist in His Presence.  In our imagination we accept His revelation as the foundation of everything we are and everything we say and do.  Or we use our mind to define a world where God bows to us, a world where He is ignored, yet responds to our will.  It starts with our minds.
Your mind and mine will define what we will be for all eternity.  Either we will serve in heaven, or reign in the insane make believe world of our own fantasy for all eternity.  We will be knights in our eternal nightmare, waking up in to new horror stories of resolved rebellion where we win against God and creation in our warped imagination. 
It starts with my mind.
It starts with your mind.

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