Acts 1:8-9 NIV
God may not want us to know times or dates, but He does want us to know the Spirit's power.
The key to knowing the Spirit's power is to know the purpose of that power:
It's purpose is for you to be a witness of Jesus--who died and rose from the dead.
If you know the power of a witness, then you know the power the Spirit gives.
- A witness is someone with firsthand knowledge of an event, having seen the event with his own eyes, having heard the event with her own ears.
- The power of a witness is boldness, accuracy, and conviction.
So when the Spirit empowers you, He will give you firsthand knowledge of the risen Jesus Christ.
You will share this firsthand knowledge with boldness, accuracy, and conviction.
You'll feel fearless.
You'll know exactly what to say and how to say it, because you'll simply be sharing your direct experience of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Your words will be undeniably convincing and convicting, leading those who listen to submission, or rebellion against God.
There will be no middle ground.
On the day of Pentecost, as recorded in Acts Chapter 2, those who heard the Apostle Peter were "cut to the heart." They asked Peter, "What shall we do?"
Peter's words of conviction led the listeners to action!
When Stephen spoke by the power of the Spirit in Acts 7, those who heard were furious; so furious that they covered their ears, yelled at the top of their voices, and stoned Stephen to death.
The boldness of Peter and John amazed their enemies, and this boldness came from being filled with the Holy Spirit.
But this boldness wasn't just for the apostles.
- After the entire church prayed, the whole church was filled with the Spirit, and spoke the word of God BOLDLY!
- Peter and Stephen spoke the scriptures with supernatural accuracy, giving testimony of Jesus.
- Their words were so convicting that the listeners HAD to respond, passionately accepting or rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ.
So when you ask God to fill you with His Spirit, expect Him to do so.
Expect Him to give you the direct experience of the Spirit of the Ascended and Alive Jesus Christ.
Expect to bear witness to this experience with boldness, accuracy and conviction.
This is how to know the power of the Spirit.
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