Sunday, December 1, 2013


How do children get and keep a parent’s attention? Three ways: 1)Children YELL! 2.)They literally GET IN YOUR FACE. 3)They REPEAT your name until you respond. These three things give children the power of attention based on their number one assumption: THEIR DIVINE RIGHT TO YOUR ATTENTION! This they assume as they exit the womb! Now on earth, we consider these things OBNOXIOUS. (Being cute helps them get away with it…sometimes!) But they do succeed in making it impossible to be ignored. Isn’t that what YOU want? Isn’t that why you’re even reading part 3!? Now of course, you don’t want to go to those lengths, but you want to use the principles behind those lengths. Make sure your voice can be heard. (Children YELL.) Wait for eye contact, and REFUSE to speak until you have it. (GET IN THEIR FACE.) If possible, say the name of the one you’re talking to. (It’s near impossible to ignore your name…as parents know!) If you’re talking to a crowd, say YOU! (I’m talking to YOU!) When you can be clearly heard and seen, and when you are connected to a specific person, you have gotten his or her attention. By the laws of life, sounds will be heard, and sights will be seen! YOUR VOICE makes a sound, and YOUR BODY can be seen. By just entering the room, you command and keep SOME ATTENTION! God sees you. Why shouldn’t I?

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