Saturday, November 8, 2014

Satan: The Christian's First Mission

"Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil."  Luke, a companion of the Apostle Paul.

According to the Apostle John, Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.  His people were under Satan's oppression, not the oppression of the Romans.  In the same way, our war isn't against democrats, republicans, men, or women.  We resist Satan.  It is the Christian's first mission because it was Christ's first mission.  Before he preached the kingdom of God, taught kingdom principles, healed those who were sick, or cast out any demons, He resisted and defeated Satan.  This was the first thing the Spirit filled Him, led Him, and empowered Him to do. 

For about 30 years, Jesus lived as the son of a carpenter, with Mary His mother, and his sisters and brothers.  When the time came, He, along with others in Israel who believed the time had come, was  baptized by John the baptizer.  God the Father spoke to Jesus from heaven, and the Spirit of God descended from heaven in the likeness of a dove.  The Spirit came upon Jesus, preparing Him for Satan in two ways, the same two ways He prepares us for Satan.

The Spirit permeated Jesus' life from that moment on, permeating Jesus' life with Spirit presence and power.  Jesus was born of the Spirit like we are born of the Spirit.  He was born of the Spirit by His mother Mary's faith, and we are born of the Spirit by our faith.  But being Spirit born and Spirit filled are not the same.  The Spirit indwells all who believe in Christ, but only permeates the lives of those who want Him to.  This comes from simply asking and yielding, as Jesus said:

"If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

If you believe in Jesus, you are a child of God.  Therefore, ask God to fill you with His Spirit, and He will, right now, as you read.  You can do it now.  Pray these words out loud:

"My father in heaven, as one of your children through faith in Jesus Christ, I ask that you fill me with the Holy Spirit.  Thank you for filling me with your Spirit.  Amen."

That's it!  You are now filled with the Spirit.  How do you know?  Well, how do you know that you are a child of God?  By faith in Jesus, by believing what the scriptures say through Paul the apostle,

"You are children of God through faith in Christ Jesus."  Galatians 3:26, NLT.

If you have faith in Christ Jesus, you are a child of God. 

You know you are filled with the Spirit in the same way:  by believing what Jesus said.  Do you believe Jesus ever lied?  Of course not. Jesus said that our Heavenly Father gives the Spirit to His children who ask Him.  If you are His child, which you are if you have faith in Jesus, and you have asked Him to fill you with the Spirit, which you just did by praying with me, then you are right now, at this moment, filled with the Spirit, permeated by His presence and power.  But some of you still may want more proof, something tangible or experiential.  Here it is:

Use your spiritual power for the purpose for which God gave it, to do what God has given you to do today.

Power is for a purpose, it is the energy and ability to act.  So whatever your job or duty is today, you now have new spiritual power to do your job or duty for God's glory.  That is how you will know and experience being filled with the Spirit. 

Yet I dare say, the first thing you very may well have to do is defeat Satan....(to be continued in part 2)

(Image from

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