Sunday, February 22, 2015

How to Know God's Spirit is With You (Part 1)

"All spiritual blessings are given on a definite basis." Watchman Nee, The Normal Christian Life

What is the definite basis of God's Spirit being with you?  The basis of God's presence in your life is the same basis for God forgiving all of your sins.  The Spirit is with you for the same reason that you have been born again.  The basis of every spiritual blessing is what the Lord Jesus has done, and not what you have done.
Why are all of your sins forgiven?  Because of the Lord Jesus' crucifixion.
Why are you a new creation?  Because of the Lord Jesus' resurrection.
Why is the Spirit with you in power and presence?  Because of the Lord Jesus' exaltation, as it is written:
This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses. Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing. Acts 2:32-33 ESV
You believe that Jesus died for your sins, so your sins are forgiven right now.
  • You believe Jesus rose from the dead, so you are born again, right here and right now.
  • You believe Jesus ascended into heaven and is exalted as Lord and Christ:
  • You have the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, right now.
Did you do anything to receive forgiveness or to be born again?  Absolutely not!
You simply accepted what Jesus did for you, and received what God gave you through Jesus.
It's exactly the same with the Spirit's presence and power in your life.
Some of you may ask, "But how do I know that the Spirit is with me?"
The same way you know that your sins are forgiven and that you are born again!
Do you know that Jesus died, rose, and ascended?  Then you know you are forgiven, born again, and have the Spirit's manifestation.
Some may still say, "I understand all of that and truly believe it.  But I want to feel God's presence with me.  How do I directly experience it?" 
If you know and believe the basis of the Spirit's presence in your life (which you do), then all that is left is meeting two conditions.  (Click here for part two.)


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