Sunday, February 1, 2015

How to Change the World by Changing Your World (Part 3)

We must change the way we see the world.
Our mind and imagination aren’t the origin of creation.
God’s mind and imagination are the origin of creation.

How would Noar act and interact with you or me?  According to how he sees reality.  If he sees you as a character in the play of his imagination, then he will speak and respond to you accordingly.  But what if Noar had a change of mind?

What if Noar saw you as you are:  God's creature, a son or daughter of the Creator? 
What if he saw you as an image and likeness of the One Who Is, with a freewill like His?

Noar's change of view, of how he sees you, would change the way he talks to you and responds to you.  He would leave his mind in order to experience The Mind, and your mind, which are not Noar's mind. 

Only God's mind is so infinitely big and vast that it can engage with and interact with free minds which are not His mind.  Minds so free that they can not only disagree with Deity, but rebel against the true liberty and ecstasy of oneness with God.  And when this rebellion happens, the rebels live in their imaginations.  In time they commit crime, minor and major, known and unknown.  But for eternity they will live in their own fantasy, one with out God the Creator, and one without creation.  They will be self-negations.  They will be in hell.  For now they create hell on earth by the tyranny of their fantasies, seeking to impose on you and me their imaginary reality.  Or are we the tyrants imposing on others our minds, as if our minds are The Mind?  How do you change your mind?  How do you change the world by changing your world?  Someone tells us how.  Jesus tells us how.  But perhaps you don't know who Jesus is.  I'll introduce you.

About 2000 years ago, a man was born of a virgin named Mary in a town called Bethlehem, located in Israel.  This was no ordinary man obviously.  He was (and is) God in a body.  He was born of the Spirit of God through a Jewish young woman named Mary.  Why her?  That's a long story.  What is more important is why God came in a body.  This is why, according to His own words:

"For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world:  to bear witness to the truth. All who are of the truth hear my voice."  Jesus, the God Man.

If you want to change your mind, your world, and the world you live in:
  1. Make an unconditional commitment to see the truth,
  2. and commit to living according to truth, no matter the consequences to you. 

When you do this, you will hear the voice of the God Man, Jesus.  You will see the world as He sees it, and thus see reality as it is, seeing yourself as you are, seeing creation as the Creator sees it.  And how you see the world will change the world, beginning with your world.

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