Monday, February 1, 2016

How to be conscious of the Spirit's Power in your life (Part 2)

"God brought this man Jesus back to life. We are all witnesses to that." Acts 2:32 GWT

Throughout the book of Acts I continue to see these words:  We are witnesses. 

  • "But God brought him back to life, and we are witnesses to that.  Acts 3:15b"
  • "Peter and John answered them, 'Decide for yourselves whether God wants people to listen to you rather than to him.  We cannot stop talking about what we've seen and heard.'"               Acts 4:19-20

The apostles and early followers of Jesus, as you may know, spent 3 years with him.  They saw him preach, teach, heal, and cast out demons.  They themselves healed and cast out demons, and saw Jesus perform many other miracles.  They saw Jesus risen from the dead, and they saw him ascend into heaven.  All they were supposed to do is tell people what they had seen, heard, and experienced.  But Jesus specifically commanded them not to say anything until the Holy Spirit gave them power--supernatural boldness and effectiveness.  Why would they need this?  Because they were bearing witness to something supernatural--that Jesus rose from the dead. How, or why, would anyone believe that a man rose from the dead? 

The Spirit of Jesus was in them and with them, bearing witness that He is still alive.

When the early followers told people that Jesus is the son of God and that he died for their sins and rose from the dead, they spoke with supernatural power and did supernatural things.  We are supposed to be the same way.  The least we should experience is supernatural boldness and effectiveness as Jesus' witnesses.

How does that feel, and how do we experience it?
Click here for part 3.

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