Monday, February 1, 2016

How to be conscious of the Spirit's Power in your life (Part 3)

"Lord, pay attention to their threats now, and allow us to speak your word boldly.  Show your power by healing, performing miracles, and doing amazing things through the power and the name of your holy servant Jesus."  When the apostles had finished praying, their meeting place shook. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God boldly
Acts 4:29-31 GWT, emphasis mine.

How does it feel to be conscious of the Spirit's power in your life?

It feels like two things:
  1. Boldness
  2. Effectiveness.

When the Spirit fills you, when the power of God comes upon you, you will feel bold, fearless, and confident in your relationship with Jesus.  You know that Jesus is the son of God as you read my words.  Are you afraid to tell people this?  You know that Jesus died for your sins and rose from the dead.  You know His Spirit lives inside of you, as it is written, "The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God."  You know that you feel like a child of God, and that you feel God's Spirit in you.  Are you afraid to tell anyone this?  When you are filled with the Spirit, you won't be afraid to tell people about Jesus in you, and you will do it effectively.

I learned that effective communication is when the message you send is the message the listener receives.  For example, my name is Olatunde.  What is my name?  Yes, it's Olatunde.  That was effective communication.  (It was also bold communication.  I know my name, and I'm not afraid to tell you what it is.)  In the same way, you know how you came to follow Jesus.  You can tell that story boldly and effectively, and the Spirit's power will be in your words as you tell your story.  You know how God has answered your prayers before.  You can boldly and effectively tell people how God has answered your prayers.

Now that you know what Spirit power consciousness is, how do you get it?
You get it the same way the early church got it: you pray for it.

Ask God to give you power to speak his word boldly.  Ask Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit so you can be a bold and effective witness of the Lord Jesus.  And He will do it. And you will feel it when you do it. 

You will feel God's power when you speak and act based upon God's purpose.

"But what if I'm not in a position to talk directly about Jesus?" you may ask.

Listen to Jesus' own words that he spoke to Pilate before he was crucified:
"For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” John 18:37, emphasis mine.

The Apostle Paul said we were "predestined to be conformed to the likeness of Jesus."  Jesus was born and came into the world for this purpose--to bear witness to the truth.  Therefore, you were born again, and came into the world again, to bear witness to the truth.  Jesus called the Holy Spirit "The Spirit of Truth."  So even in situations where you can't talk directly about Jesus, you can bear witness to the truth.  There is never a time or place where you can't tell the truth.  And when you tell the truth, the Spirit of Truth will give you power to boldly and effectively do it.

If you want to be conscious of the Spirit's power as a witness, pray this with me:

God, I come to in the name of Jesus as a witness of the Lord Jesus.  Please fill me with the Spirit that I may be a witness of the Lord Jesus with supernatural  boldness and effectiveness, bearing witness to His resurrection and ascension, and bearing witness to the truth.  Thank you for filling me with the Spirit.

Now leave the computer and go tell someone about Jesus, or go tell someone the truth.  Let me know in the comments sections how it felt to experience the Spirit's power. 

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