Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How to CHANGE ANY BEHAVIOR You Want (Starting TODAY) Part 1

According to the book Influencer-The Power to Change Anything:

“People choose their behaviors based on what they think will happen to them as a result.”   

It goes on to describe “mini maps of cause and effect” in a kind of formula:   

The example is of a snake phobic who thinks, “IF I touch a snake, THEN it will instantly bite and kill me.  THEREFORE, I won’t touch a snake.”

The powerful conclusion: 
“If you want to change behavior, any behavior, you have to change maps of cause and effect.”

More glorious than this, the book gives the only two expectations needed to change any behavior, the only two questions you need to answer:

1.       Is it worth it?

2.      Can I do it?

Change one or both of these expectations, and you can change any behavior!

Now apply this to scripture and find it startlingly accurate!
God and the Devil agree.
Here’s how.

God commanded Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. IF Adam eats from this tree, THEN Adam will SURELY DIE.  THEREFORE, Adam should obey.

Satan’s INFLUENCE deceived Eve.  He changed Eve’s mini map of cause and effect! 

You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4-5

Break down Satan’s mini map deception:
1.       IF Eve eats from the forbidden tree, THEN she will not surely die; THEREFORE, she should not fear disobeying God.

2.       Instead, IF she eats from the forbidden tree, THEN she will be like God!

Eve thinks it over.  The fruit looks good and edible, answering the first vital question:  “Can I do it?”  Next, she considers it profitable to make her wise, answering the second question:   “Is it worth it.” 

So she disobeys God by Satan’s influence!

But God also gives us the power to change any behavior!  The first power He gives us is called repentance, which is literally the change of mind from self centeredness to God centeredness.  Because Jesus took the punishment for our past sins, we can be born again, starting completely over!  After this initial life behavior change, there are two other examples of changing any behaviors we want!  (Click HERE for part 2)

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