Saturday, April 5, 2014

How To Be Led By the Spirit in 5 MINUTES

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7

After you read this post, you'll know how to follow the Spirit every day of your life, for the rest of your life.

Daniel prayed three times a day.  That's the first thing for you to do:

1. Divide your day into three parts:  Beginning, Middle, and End.
For example.  Say you work a 12 hour job.  There are three 4 hour segments in your work day.  You get to work in the first segment.  You most likely take a break by the second segment, and you are getting ready to get off in the third.  These are the sections of your work day.  Having divided your work day, go to the next step.

2.  Take 5 minutes at the beginning of these 3 segments to pray.  When you pray, tell God what you have in mind to do, what your plans are.  NOT HIS PLANS, FOR NOW.  Yours.  I'll explain this later.

3.  Having told God YOUR plans (NOT ASKING FOR HIS), see if you sense "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding."  If you do, then you know you are in agreement with God's will, and you should proceed with your plans.  If you don't feel perfect incomprehensible peace that can only be described as from God, then go to YOUR "plan b," and c, and d, until you do sense God's peace.

Take at least 5 minutes of uninterrupted time in prayer to seek God's perfect incomprehensible peace at the beginning, middle, and end of your day, whether it is your work day, or your time at home.

Now, why did I focus you on what YOUR plans are and NOT God's plans? 

In this "stage," it's easier to know what you want to do.  Some believers try to "discern God's will" and they can't...because they are so distracted by their own will.  God knows this.  You know this.  So instead of trying to act like you're trying to find God's will at the time, be honest.  God knows what's plaguing your mind.  I'm not saying to disregard God's will, or to not seek His will.  I'm saying start where you are in your maturity with Christ.  If you are at a place where you can silence your mind, spirit, and emotions and genuinely seek God's will, do that. 

But if you're learning to follow the Spirit, the beginning stage is like with young children.  At first, you just say "yes," and "no" to their requests. Young children aren't usually going to come to their parents and say, "Daddy and Mommy, let your kingdom come and your will be done in my life. Not mine will but thine be done!"  They are immature and thus, to a certain extent, self-centered.  But parents work with them from where they are.  God does the same.

You know what you have in mind, and you also know that you do want God's will to be done in your life, even if its' not your will.  So start with your will, and see if it agrees with His will through Him giving you peace in prayer.  As you grow, you will begin to be "neutral" spiritually. This means when you do already have something in mind, you won't be hell bent on it.  You can go either way.  Or, you really won't have any preference at all because you've come to know that God's will is so much better than yours. 

You know where you are in your relationship with Jesus. 
Everything I've written can help you, no matter the stage of your walk with Him.

If you agree, pray this prayer with me:

"Father in heaven, I plan to seek your will, three times a day at least for five minutes at least.  Starting now.  In Jesus name.  Amen."

Now take 5 solid minutes to pray to God. 
Let me know how it went.

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