Monday, April 21, 2014

The Key to Your Power (In One Word)

"Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger..."
James, the Brother of Jesus

Your phone rings. You look at your caller ID.  It's your boss, who usually calls you on your day off to ask you to come in.  It's your decision.  He can't make you, but you usually yield to his manipulation.

The caller ID gives you the key to your power, expressed in one word:


Because you see whose calling, you have that precious moment of decision, to answer or not answer.  To let the answering machine pick up the call, or you can pick up the phone.  It's up to you.

These moments, these pauses, are experienced throughout your day, if you allow them, if you choose them.  The pause is your choice, a God given ability.

How can you choose the pause when you feel rushed or pressured to act or speak?

When do you feel rushed or pressured?  What situations or persons rush you or pressure you?

You know them.  You can probably list them right now if you wanted to.

Now imagine the beginning of your day.  Is your boss, or whoever it is that pressures you, in your bedroom with a gun to your head?  Of course not.  Your day begins with you and your Lord, and He never pressures you. 

Prayer is the first act of pause for your day. 

At the beginning of your day, if you pray against all sources of pressure, against everything that rushes you to speak or act before considering the will of God, then you will deal with the spiritual enemies who seek to block your liberty.

Having prayed at the beginning of your day, you may practice pausing in little things throughout the day:
1. Pause and thank God before you eat your breakfast, before you take one sip of coffee or one bite of cereal.
2.  Pause before you leave the house, just a moment, as you make sure you lock the door, say a prayer of submission to the Spirit.
3.  Pause before you drive to your first destination of the day, just a moment, to think and pray, or adjust your music to a song that focuses you.

These small practices of pauses will put you in the mindset of pausing before you speak to difficult people, or before you face difficult situations.

Pausing is the key to your power, the power to choose, the power to decide.

If you choose to use this power, you will protect yourself from regret.
If you refuse to use this power, you will act without thought or prayer.

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