Saturday, April 5, 2014

What It Means To Be CALLED (Part 2)

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."  Isaiah 43:1b

To be called is to be summoned, chosen, and empowered for a specific task that only you can do.  The key word to focus on is SPECIFIC.

Only you can be what you are called to be, and do what you are called to do. 
This is how you know your calling.
There was only one Noah, and only he could build the ark.
There was only one Abraham, and only he could have Isaac.
There was only one Sarah, and only she could mother Isaac.
One Moses.
One Joshua.
One you.
In fact, you can imagine your calling as the literal calling of your name, what you are literally "called." Your name is your calling, the meaning of your name and the reputation of your name.  We see this  consistently with God, who gave and changed names.  We see it from the beginning of his summoning or callings of created things.  He named all of creation.  He named the man. The man named woman, and the first woman.  Each name was a calling.
God changed Abram's name to Abraham, and Sarai's name to Sarah.
God gave the name Isaac to the child of promise, and the name Israel to Jacob.
Each name was a calling. 
The names of John the Baptist and the name of Jesus were their callings from God.
It's the same with you.
You are called by name, by your specific name. 
Only you are you, and only you can be you.
To know and experience your callings in life, all that is necessary is to see what you alone are, and what you alone can do.  If you agree, pray with me:
"God, my Creator, I honor You in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior.  Thank you for making me.  Thank You for saving me.  Thank You for indwelling me by Your Spirit. You knit me together in my mother's womb and created my inmost being.  I am Yours.  You are mine.  We are one.  I dedicate my life to fulfilling my calling, to fulfill the purpose for which You made me.  Only I can be me.  Only I can do what You made me to do.  Thank you.  Amen."
Now look into your life and see the unique places you hold in relationships to others.  For example, I only am the husband of my wife and the father of my children.  These are my callings.  I alone, as Olatunde, son of God, am writing to you right now what the Spirit gives me, and is giving me alone.  There is no other Olatunde in all of creation writing this blog that you are reading. 
In the same way, there are things that only you are doing and can do.  These things are obvious.  These things are what you are called to do.  Do them for God's glory and fulfill your destiny.

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